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Halo: Combat Evolved review

Decent fps game.

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The og halo from my childhood, any question?
«Blew my mind»
«Liked before it became a hit»
Completed as of writing this review: Base Game (Legendary in Multiplayer, Heroic in Single-Player)

In my honest opinion one of the best old-school shooters and also the best game in the series. Halo: CE takes you to a story of how a man with a deep voice in a green suit (and also not Doom guy) discovers a new threat to the galaxy - a Halo. Beautiful world design and soundtrack, interesting storyline and most-importantly, fun gameplay. Definitely a must-have for enthusiasts of old-school shooters!
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
the sandbox of shoot,switch reload mele work really great and with the shield u are really push to go forward. Strange enough first time i had played it i was bored af but having replaying it in 2021 it s just remember me doom 2016, and that was simple fun. How the enemy react to the player is still funny 20 year latter the music is fucking great, and the graphisme are charming ( i dont like the remaster it s just look like a blurry mess of pixel )
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Set out a very good foundation for future FPS and the series, but god damn is it boring. The game seems to be made with the copy-paste tool and the story is full of conveniences. The multiplayer however is very good but totally surpassed by later titles.
Masterpiece! What else?
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
It's a Gone With the Wind of the gaming world! The story is really engaging with the flood twist. Also great work with the weapons, it's fun to use even the pistol here. 
Now the game looks a bit outdated but keep in mind that this was considered advanced graphics and great AI back in the days. Still glad that I revisited this classic. Solid 9 out of 10.
«Beaten more than once»