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Call of Juarez: The Cartel review
by Galadros

The curse of the third part, attacks again. Fortunately, Gunslinger saved the series.

Other reviews5

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Just the Worst part of them all. -no openworld-small menu and buckled (1990x890 HD)-all mission runs according to the same principle-for 2011 really terrible graphics (I have the msi 390R) and can rip any game on High but the game is really foul-bad shat-l refs after buying over Uplay
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I've played the Game 2 times through now, on "Normal" and "Heavy" and it was Fun. There were hardly any Technical Problems. On "Normal" I had 3 freezes and on "Heavy" 2. Since the Checkpoints are set fairly, it wasn't such a big Problem for me. If you bring 2 more Friends, you can even play through it completely in KO-OP Mode. It's Best to take it with you in a sale, even if the €9.99s it still costs are not thrown out.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Rocked through on: 13.02.2012 Like a Mix of Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Ranger and Duane Chapman as Dog The Bounty Hunter in a Miami Vice Story, the Game is presented here. With here and there a few little Mistakes, but still nice. I Liked it once what was new in itself. Sure it's like a old-baked Action movie with just such Sayings-but hey man ... We didn't always want to burn down Hanffelder, save Kidnapped women who are to be sold as prostitutes or kill Gangsters in Hip Hop clothes? So I've already:) It's just a Shame that it could have got much better if you had let it ripen a little longer. 6/10 Points from me because it could still entertain me well for small Money. After all, I played it through with 2 Chars-Because the Story is kind of cool.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
In addition to this Game, the 1999 agricultural Simulator is a Star Hour of Computer Games. The Graphics are softer than in Minecraft and the Controls are mieser than in The Sweeper Simulator. In itself, the "Call of Juarez" series is good, but this Game really falls short of all Expectations. The Story is quite unimaginative, but actually offers enough Potential for a varied Game Adventure. Unfortunately, the Game is annoying after only half an Hour, because it wages so hard and you die in a Battle against (infinite) opponents after about 3 Hits and you have to start the Mission from new. The Story: Some Intelligence tasked you with detaining a Drug Kingpin in Mexico. You can choose between three Characters (but somehow none of them are really cool). Oh yes, "Call of Juarez: The Cartel" can theoretically also be played in Multiplayer. Unfortunately, there are no other People still playing this Game (because it's so sch * * * bad). Verdict: Unfortunately, this Game is only bad and absolutely unnecessary. Rating: + 10 Points