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Hearthstone review
by Merlijn Eskens

Hearthstone is a game that requires patience to start playing.
You'll need to grind enough cards to make a semi-ok deck so you can start completing the quests and adventures.

Once you've achieved that, you'll find that hearthstone is a game that provides lots of options to the players to play the way they want. If you like to play competitive card games, you'll find yourself climbing the standard ladder.
If you like the chaos of playing cardgames however, this game offers you the "wild" mode - in which all cards are allowed.

Overall, this is a very polished game that offers lots of fun, especially when you are playing against friends!

Do note though; it is also one of the hardest card games to get into. Not because it is difficult, but because you'll need enough cards. So be warned, you'll need to either drop quite a few bucks, or grind!
«Just one more turn»
«Sit back and relax»
«Better with friends»

Other reviews6

I love this game because of its story and mercenaries modes.

But overall, «Curse of Naxxramas» (2014) is my favorite expansion. It's that very add-on where players could face off against various bosses from the famous «World of Warcraft» raid - «Naxxramas». The expansion added 30 new cards and introduced interesting mechanics and strategies.

In general, I liked «Hearthstone» more at its early stage. Now the game has expanded, many decks have appeared, and there's a lot to relearn.
«OST on repeat»
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
One thing that is quite annoying that as soon as you exit 2 seconds to reply to a message and then return to the game, it must always reconnect; frustrating! That said, I wanted to clarify something for those who are constantly complaining about the weight. I want to clarify that I play from the closed beta by invitation, obviously from a PC. And I still remember the day the mobile app came out for all devices. true, allepoca weighed much less, but normal that now you weigh more. useless to complain because from 1.1gb to 3.1gb. Talk about optimization, but you have no idea what you are saying. Over the years, as you well know, new contents have come out; so it is obvious that the weight has increased. All files (images, sounds, texts) have a weight in terms of bytes! Even the possibility of connecting via fb has a weight you know? Do a search: facebook login sdk ios / android and you'll see that even things that seem trivial actually carry weight. I assure you that 3.1GB are also few. Antonio.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I downloaded the game about a year ago. Of course, it is hard to understand everything if you have never dealt with such a thing. But if you inquire and read a lot, the game in 2 weeks is easy to understand. Blizzard has done a great job as the game does not get boring. There are always new extensions and new maps. Of course, some decks are unfair. But that's what makes it fun. To make your own deck together to win many games. And I have not invested 1 cent yet. I'm doing the quest and the card chaos. Play arena often. This gave me a lot of cards. With which very good decks are possible! I do not understand why so many people claim that you have to invest huge sums of money to be a good game. The only thing you have to invest is time and patience. And I think that makes every hearthstone games like this game so varied. So come and sit by the fire;)
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
The game is certainly fun and engaging, built very well, the balance is adequate and graphically beautiful and pleasant to play. Unfortunately, it is increasingly difficult to win continuously and to climb the rankings without putting your wallet in the hand due to the continuous publication of new cards and the fact that the most powerful cards are practically impossible to find and in any case very expensive to create. Excellent gaming experience on the PC, while on the iPad, despite the already huge size of the game that touches 3 GB, when the application starts you have to wait a few moments each time for a further download. Surreal then that, with each update, in fact it is necessary to download the entire application again, with the result that, unless you have additional 3 GB of free space, the update fails due to insufficient space and the only way to avoid completely uninstalling the game and install it again from scratch. Recommended for those who love collectible card games and those who are content to play a few games every now and then without pretensions or ambitions, strongly advised against those who believe they can win often and climb to the top without spending real money.
I really wish I could recommend this game.

I do.

I've been playing it for years....but there are two serious problems.

1) It's expensive: Either you're gunna bust out the most powerful card in the game (the credit card) and put some mileage on it, or you're going to spend endless hours grinding to be able to put together decks that will get you anywhere.
2) For all the time I've spent playing Hearthstone, I can't honestly say that "fun" is the first word that comes to mind. 

It's something to spend a lot of time doing, obsessively and competitively. 

If you're into that kind of thing, and wouldn't shudder at the thought of dropping in the neighborhood of $300 to get started, it just might be for you.

Otherwise....just watch the pros on Twitch. I have infinitely more fun watching their successes and failures than I do dealing with my own.
«Oh God i managed it»