Beautiful TSG in good settings, balance, and story.
Only thing is model for getting cards, are bad. Normally you just can't get them for free, but for money it also tricky.
Only thing is model for getting cards, are bad. Normally you just can't get them for free, but for money it also tricky.
Other reviews3
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Faeira is basically a classic Board Game, combined with a Trading Card game. This Base works extremely well and is really fun. It uses the typical Winning Formula Easy to Learn, Hard to Master.
The Game is also technically beautiful and fast. The Loading Times are super fast, but from time to time there are even individual crashes, if you want to give a Dying Creature an Enchantment Again, for Example.
I Particularly like the Co-op approach and the sometimes crisp Missions that are available to Solve, with which the Game offers much more in addition to the much crisper strategy, but also in the Scope of the Industry's Primus Hearthstone.
I don't think a few Trifles I think is perfect Yet, for one THING, as with any F2P Game, there is a certain Paywall for the Content. Well, it probably Runs under #musswohl, but unfortunately the Co-op games in particular are hidden behind this Wall. For example, 4 Co-op games cost Jewels worth £8000 or 9000 Gold, which requires about 1 Week of Play. On the one hand, I find the €8EUR for 4 games which can then be repeated as often as you like, but 0 replay value offer very expensive and at the same time ensures that I want to play with a Buddy but unfortunately I have to do alone Farms. Not clever.
At the same time, this would not be an Issue at all if you were to incorporate the Possibility of 2vs2 games. This would address one of Hearthstone's biggest Weak Points and could argue the Co-opmission as a story-based feature even further. Of the Mechanics, Faerie is also much better suited than his Competitor. Too bad here unfortunately makes the otherwise good Game spring, but the Game is an absolute Recommendation.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
I've been playing the Game for quite a long time now and I like to play again and again.
But it's been less And less fun for me since the Oversky-extension and I'm about to jump off.
The Problem with this is the many absolutely overpowered cards that have been added as a result.
Especially the Celestial Whale and the Crystal Flower are absolute Cancer. They destroy any balance, even though they have already been generated twice. Nevertheless, they are still completely OP, since the Whale in particular is in Principle a 6 Mana card with the Text "Win the Game."
But other Maps, such as the Heaven's Syak, have also caused massive Problems. Especially since, through Maps like this, Now Positioning and building the Board, which was supposed to be the central Game Mechanics and was implemented really well and fun before the Expansion, now has no meaning at all, because you either have everything everywhere. You can sit down or you can now move cards at will without Having to worry.
Unfortunately, the Developers don't seem to care by now, as it just takes forever for a Balancing Patch to come, if it comes at all. The last Patch was a Month ago, but the Problems with the Cards have been known for almost a Year.
In Some cases, clear Errors are not even admitted, such as the well-known Mulligan Glitch. The point is that you can click away the 3 Cards in your Starting Hand and be allowed to redraw before the Game actually starts.
Through the Glitch, however, you get the exact same Cards back on your Hand, which you have just shuffled back in. However, The Developers claim the Problem would not exist.
Therefore, I can't recommend the Game to anyone.
Which I find a great pity, because it does so many interesting and own Things and in so many Things is superior to the Place deer Hearthstone by lengths. But the Balancing, the Mistakes and the Developers unfortunately present such massive Obstacles to a fun Game that none of this is of any use.