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The Final Station review
by Brahmaputra

The game is too expensive. The gameplay becomes repetitive quickly, the story seems to be great but the ending ruins everything good about it. The game is short and I can’t say it bad. It doesn’t deserve its money. Better wait and buy it on sale, then your disappointment won’t be so expensive at least.  

Other reviews5

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Exciting Idea, great retro graphics, though, and this is my biggest Criticism of this Game: It's partly just very unfair. In some Respects, game mechanics do not allow two Things to be done at the same time or two Actions to become seamless with each other. Bsp.: I climb up a Ladder and he automatically goes one step forward, which costs my Life or makes it considerably more difficult, because now I not only have to shoot at the running Zombies, but also take a Step back to then the Animation for the Climbing down stairs-meanwhile, you can't shoot. Such simple Things can make a Game frustrating, because now in most Situations it is no longer my Fault when I die, but the Fault of Animation. Too bad for the Game, because the Idea is really great.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
+ Beautiful pixel graphics in the Foreground + Playing Values idea (You feel like a Supporting Actor of a much bigger Story) + Interesting combat system + Faire Autosay function +/-The End leaves a lot of Questions unanswered. For my Taste too many, but others may see it differently-The Background has nothing of pixel art but seems more like a normal Picture has been magnified-Very short game. -The Train throws a car in front of comical Mini-Games that you have to go through again and again to stop the Train from poisoning the Passengers. However, one cannot follow the Talks or admire the Background. It is a great pity. -To bring All Passengers safely to Their Destination is hardly possible with the reduced Resources. Not knowing where to transport them makes it even harder to make a Decision about who to continue caring for and who not to take care of.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Absolut unexpectedly intense Indie game ... The first Pictures initially kept me strongly from buying. But When it was the Responsibility to go into the Game package as part of the Humble Bundle, I was happy to test it. And that, without ever having regretted it, far From it. In my 5 Hours I was totally unexpectedly drawn into this "destroyed" world, every new Stop in a City on the Way to the destination was his own and has let me learn more and more about this World and the previous History of the Game. The Game plays great, a satisfying Weapon feeling where every Shot has to sit and a direct Gameplay where every Move feels crisp. The Gameplay is Underlined by a wonderful and fitting Music that adds Depth to the Loneliness of the Protagonist during his Travels and supports the exciting and serious Story of great. Without giving too much away, I recommend The Final Station to everyone. For a Sale Price of 8-10 Euros for 5 Hours it is always worth it.
The Final Station is one of those narrative driven games that are not so impressive in the gameplay aspect but have amazing stories to tell you. This game is involving and beautiful, unlike most narrative driven games currently are. It’s also very beautiful and let’s you uncover the plot through experiencing different situations. If you expect a gameplay-centric game, this title is not for you but if you ready to dive into a great story, you’re welcome.