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Forgotton Anne review
by schleudeacon

Forgotten Anne tells a powerful story with intrigue, humor, drama, and a cast of wonderful characters, But what I like the most about Forgotten Anne is how it uses it's fantasy setting to deliver this story. Throughout the entire game, it slowly gives you exposition and it lets the story pretty much tell itself. You could say it can be predictable, but it's all in the delivery. Great moments one after the other; decisions that are easy but weighty enough that you will want to see the other side of it eventually, of what could have happened.

It's honestly a little tiring to see fantasy backdrops be used as self-indulgent window-dressing in most games nowadays, and seeing one deliver such a gripping tale through one deceivingly simple premise is a much needed breath of fresh air in games narrative.

Other reviews5

Forgotton Anne, like a lot of indie gems, has a fair number of missteps in terms of clunky gameplay, but it never vastly overstays its welcome with very basic platforming and some cool, consistently well-done puzzle mechanics. The game's main shine is in its art style and characters; and depending on how much you read into it, the theming of the story. You get a strong sense of each character in the game having their own worthwhile feelings behind their actions, and the excellent voice acting brings them all to life.

While the animations are of very high quality and may remind you of animated classics, occasionally there's a bit of reuse and not very many of the up-close cutscenes that exemplify them best.

There's a few important decision moments throughout the game, none of which affect the ending, but some of which actually had different consequences than I expected. They're not massively new moral choice situations, but it's no "Murder babies / sacrifice self to save a puppy" simplicity either.

The game's ending didn't give me a guttural immediate reaction, but it was definitely something I spent a bit more time thinking about after finishing it, and the relationship it has to the game's title. Afterwards the game also gives you access to a time machine to replay any segment of the game, which may help you find missed dialog or other extras.
«That ending!»
Favorite Thing: A platformer with a heavy narrative.
Least Favorite Thing: There was nothing egregious so I'm going to say the crawling animation. It was bad.

Date Completed: 2019-04-27
Playtime: ~ 6h
Enjoyment: 8/10
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
In the Debut of the Danish Studio Throughline Games, the Player accompanies a young Woman named Anne through the Realm of the Forgotten. This is a Place where the Objects that have been forgotten by Humans land-from the missing Sock to the antique Photo Camera, a wide variety of Objects live here. Anne herself holds the Role of guardian, standing alongside the de facto ruler Master Bonku. This, in turn, has set itself the Goal of restoring The Connection to the human World-a Project that is not unconditionally supported by all the Forgotten ... The Presentation is certainly the Aspect of the Game that catches the Eye first. Even for me as a relative anime layman, the Thought of Studio Ghibli is unavoidable And indeed Forgotton Anne, alongside Ni No Kuni, is one of the Games that most convincingly implement striking style. Somewhat unusual in this Context are the sometimes very gloomy, almost dystopian Settings, but they work as well as the more colorful Environments. I found the frequent seamless transition between The Cutscenes and Game Graphics particularly impressive, which greatly reinforces the Impression of controlling a Cartoon film here. The numerous Characters are also quite respectfully drawn, but above all superbly set to music. With a relatively small Team Of speakers, it was possible to create very distinctive Characters, for example, through the Use of Accents. This is, Of course, all the more remarkable Because the Majority of NPCs are everyday objects. Due to the Quality of Voice Acting and pointed Dialogue, many of the not necessarily multidimensional but pleasantly cranky characters grew to my Heart quite quickly. So it is not surprising that the Surrounding world and the Conflicts there arouse enough Interest to quickly feel at home in the Story and to stay on the Ball Until the End of the 8-10-hour journey-although you don't Epic With myriad Twists, but should expect a straightforward but also relatively open Story. In Terms of Gameplay, Forgotton Anne is rather inconsistent. First And foremost, it is an Adventure in the true Sense of The word-the Adventure, or the Story told, is clearly in the Foreground. Puzzles are present, though not too varied-anyone who likes to move Platforms by Operating Levers will get their Money's worth here-and at a rather low Level of difficulty. Platforming passages also occur, but are hardly demanding either. For the latter, I am grateful in that the Control is extremely sluggish and brings back Memories of the old Prince of Persia: Hardcore platforming would be highly frustrating in these Circumstances, and the control is sufficient For the Tasks set here. but. Unlike the Puzzles, however, the Jump Passages seem rather out of place and at most offer Added value when they are embedded in a Puzzle themselves. Verdict: The Gameplay isn't worth Talking about and the puzzle design could tolerate more Variety and a slightly higher Level of Difficulty. However, the unique Presentation in Image and Sound ignores these Weaknesses; The extraordinary Setting, with its charming Characters and a consistently thrilling Story, saves the Game from the "style over substance" charge. Like and makes You want to have another Visit to this Universe.