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Rune review
by Brahmaputra

The best Viking game to date! A brutal and funny hack’n’slash with great enemies, levels and a soundtrack to remember. Several types of weapons and multiple tiers within those types, also, as the title suggests, there are runes that give certain magical abilities to items. The voice acting is like a cheesy action movie of 90s, but it works. The art and items design are gothic+viking which is pretty awesome.There's also a mod that allows you to play co-op and even download some of custom campaigns for it. A multiplayer mode is also here and works well. Overall this game is great, it is is a hidden gem in the genre, if you are a fan of hack’n’slash, you shouldn’t miss it. Lots of fun and replayability. It's crazy this game is not very popular, especially since the guys behind it also made Heretic/Hexen games.
«Liked before it became a hit»