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Human: Fall Flat review
by Marcelo Mass

This game is super fun to play. Just remembering makes me laugh!
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»

Other reviews8

Really fun with friends. The physics based mechanics make for fun progression, levels are designed amazingly around the mechanics and even exploration is rewarded with fun little treats sometimes
«Better with friends»
nostaaaaaaaalgic af and the coop is just so fun and remarkable
Silly physics playground, I wish it were longer.
Peak insanity with friends
«Better with friends»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is very good. It's a very idiosyncratic Puzzle Game in a 3D world that develops its greatest Charm in Multiplayer mode. Controlling the b/. of the rubbery Protagonists is the biggest Problem or the biggest Fun. With our Protagonist (standard mower a Menu Slein) we move through rather minimalist, thematically very different Levels, always Looking for the Exit, if you look at Not too distracted from some Sideshow. The Path is paved with Obstacles that wouldn't be particularly difficult per se. There are almost always several Solutions. Our Figure seems drunk though, made of Rubber and having a constant Wobble, so you always have tired of doing anything purposefully. The Degree of this Handicap is just that it's funny, but not too frustrated, anyway if you play the Game to several. Because on the one hand you can split the Tasks that are tedious for a single one, on the other hand it is much more Fun to torchingly togat around together like a Bunch of drunken Jellyfish. Certain Things also look really funny-shamed, such as the Way you climb up. The Number of Levels has probably grown over time. There are currently about eight Levels. That's enough for a few Hours Of Gameplay (we were done in 5 Hours). Often enough there are several Solutions and also hidden Things and achievements, so that you can play it well several times. Beautiful and especially useful of course when playing the Game to several is that you can customize the Character in a variety of ways. There are some cute Characters. The Graphics are kept simple with some nice Accents. It's nice to look at. The Sound is OK. The Music is inconspicuous in the Background. You only have one Speaker for the Instructions you find in the Levels from time to time, and he does his Thing well (English, German Subtitles). The Controls are good, if you can say that. Of Course, as mentioned, we run a little uncontrollably, but that is so intentional (from the Game) and in the end you always make progress. I played with Controllers, with Keyboard I find it noticeably more cumbersome. There are many Achievements, half of which are automatically unlocked. Pro & Contra: + Very entertaining Multiplayer experience with up to 8 People + Funny-difficult Control of the Protagonists + Insofar simple To moderate puzzles + cute graphics o Nous Graphics o Alone Makes it far less Fun rating: 10/10 So beautiful can a small multiplayer game Be. Recommended.
Fun puzzle game, even more fun if you can get your friends to play with you and go for some of the wacky achievements! Hope they release more levels as time goes on.