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POSTAL 2 review
by coldhandy

Tons of fun!

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this can't be good for me but i feel great.
«Blew my mind»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I think I'm kicking n horse o.O 3 Days ago the Fudge Pack Edition of P2 Is unwrapped again .. Of course, even 3 Days was no longer reachable;) Then you stove to Steam and see that one of his absolute Favorite games is On offer for 99 ct, including Archievments! ♥ You can't do it any other way and just buy it again:D This Game perfectly combines Self-irony, Violence, Gameplay, Even more Violence and a Shot Of Boese Black Humor. A Game into which the Developers have put a lot of Love and you can see that at every second Corner (apart from the Graphics that still proudly stick in 2003-but you remember!). Eastereggs wherever the Eye can see and you just don't get around a smile when you are an innocent and even with the Graphics also sweet rental Cat at the Barrel of your beloved M16 Assault rifle. aaeh .. Stabbed? xD Plus the "R" button * hust * .. What more does a Video Game need? This Game is still worth a full 10 Euros, according to my opinion, but that depends on the Gamer. All in all, I can only say: Buy-Install-run Amok! A Must-Have with 12/10 Points! With this In mind, I want to talk a lot of Fun To players and say "Go Postal, Dude!"
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Sick Humour and a Lot of Sensual-free Violence! Those who miss the Brutality in today's games are welcome to resort to these classics! There's a whole MENGE of The ONE in Postal 2! The Postal Dude, who is our Character, wants to decorate his Everyday life with the usual Tasks, such as. Shopping For a Milk or bringing back a Book in the Library, so these everyday Things do not happen to him without Problems, So among others one or the Other citizen likes to burn in front of his Nose or in the Butcher's shop, people in the Häcksler Worss. The Rest is own, which one has yourself also a large Variety of melee and Ranged Weapons, so of course one also has one or the other possibility to strangle the Fellow citizen a pure (usually Self-defense of course * hust *). And this does not look entirely without, the Splatter Effect Is in Postal 2 not quite without even the Glitties like to take different from the Unit. Pros:-Weapons as far as the Eye Can see, Nakamp and Ranged Weapons! -Brutal Splatter Effect (not grade Body Part friendly)-Big World, Free walkable! (Unfortunately, not without a Loading Zone) Cons:-FPS case, in The case of Car Explosions and from a certain amount of Fire Surfaces. -Model recycling Despite the age of the Game, nowadays it still makes Sense not to miss this Classic and Thanks to the Price Reduction to the Steam winter sale for 99Cent it is definitely worth owning it. Clear Recommendation! Have fun!!! MfG StaLKerGaftY
A very weird game about a man with issues.
«That ending!»