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MORDHAU review
by Amun Akta

Very cool.
The controls, in the beginning, are a bit wanky, but after the first or second hour, I got used to them and the mechanics.
The graphics are good and the music too.

Also, it's pretty good in historical terms. The weapons, armour and some of the movements are pretty spot on.
They are not those fantastic and over the top looking. And I like this since I'm a History Buff.

But to me, the best part is the community. It's great, honestly.
Everyone is a memester and a cool guy.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
«Better with friends»

Other reviews3

«Buggy as hell»
The best medieval multiplayer slasher at the moment. Ask me why? There have been many attempts.

«Chivalry: Medieval Warfare», «Of Kings And Man», «War of the Roses». The first game is alive but outdated, the second two projects were defeated and are no longer available on «Steam».

«MORDHAU » was ahead of the curve and has been alive for 3 years. As I remember now, on May 29, 2019 (a month after the release of the game), I played it for the first time and was amazed by the realism, atmosphere and of course the customization.

I haven't had this much emotion in any game in years! The only project after «Sronghold» that let me «feel» the «Middle Ages». I wish the same for you!
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»