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Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma review
by Azriel Dan

Great standalone; even better if you play the rest of the series. Still replaying after beating it 8 times.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
«Sit back and relax»
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews5

Look, is it particularly good? Well, no. Is the ending bad? Yes. But is it a deeply interesting experiment? Absolutely.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
All in all, a really cool Game. Who has lust to solve Puzzles and a really exciting Story of the is right here at Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. The Puzzles are sometimes really light and you have solved them within 10 Minutes, but sometimes you are desperately looking for a Clue and can't get on. The Ideas of this Game are also really gripping. However, the End is unresolved. The End Part has several Moments that logically no longer make Sense and have simply been solved unrepoperatively. It'S a shame, actually. The Beginning and the Center is really well structured and exciting. Despite the bad Ending, it's a successful Game. Can I recommend.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Just Wow! One of the most beautiful decision and Puzzle Games! The Game Developers have done a really good Job here! Historical Implementation is simply madness. After almost every Fragment, the Player is newly surprised. By Making assumptions about the further Course of the Game, the Tension remains very high. The Game menu is a bit strange at first, but you get used to it. With some Puzzles, it can't hurt to have a Note and Pen on Hand. Graphically, the Game could still be improved a bit. Above All, the Movements of the Figures seem quite unrealistic in some Scenes. Zero Escape binds through the Action so much that even on the lowest Graphics settings, the Fun is not lost. For the Game, good English Knowledge must be available so that every Detail can be understood and the Player can easily get through the Puzzles. Unfortunately, this Game, too, will come to an End at some point.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Inventory and Gameplay very unmistakably built up, Dialogues endlessly long and yet meaningless (similar To some length scenes in various Animes), Atmosphere virtually non-existent. You can't identify very much with the Figures. The Puzzles come into play relatively late and are extremely illogical (even for escape The Room puzzles). Diazu comes the more snowy way to look around. The controlling System in need of getting used does not exactly support the Whole thing. I think the graphics are really Good, it is not particularly Deatilreich, but I find the drawing Style and appearance of the Protagonists successful. The Basic Idea of the Game is not bad either, but could have been staged much better (especially more interesting!) ... If you are interested in this Game, SAW and SAW Flesh and BLOOD Would be much better advised. I would give the Game 1 out of 5 Stars. Too bad the Game would have had Potetnial, which unfortunately was not even remotely exhausted in any Way. For the proud Price I would have expected much more ...