Assassin's Creed games ranked
Every major AC game ever ranked according to how much I've personally enjoyed them.
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Brotherhood took everything that made Assassin's Creed II one of my favorite games at the time, and took it to a new level. Improving its narrative, providing a more unified world and offering more po…
It's difficult to make an impact while using a formula that's several years old spanning two console generations, so it's no surprise that people received Syndicate with indifference. It battles to so…
The poor optimization makes Unity a game that works as a benchmark for GPUs even four years after release. Sure, the launch was terrible, but credit where credit is due: animation work is fantastic, s…
While I appreciate the origins of Assassin's Creed, I think ultimately the game failed to deliver a fun experience. The free-running system gave players a freedom they had never felt before, but the m…
The second game in the franchise completely re-imagined the game, its systems and narratives, and took the world by surprise with one of the best sequels ever made in the history of videogames. The fo…
I understand why people love Black Flag with the passion they do: it was a beautiful new take on the saga, with a lot of new systems that, to some extent, worked. Even so, I personally found the whole…
An Assassin's Creed where you play as a Templar!? Sounds so great, right? Well, it wasn't great. A couple of nice sequences (one in Portugal towards the beginning of the game was a lot of fun) but not…
While the story and characters may be quite bland, Origins offers a very accessible experience, with easy to understand RPG systems and a story that almost works as a reboot of the saga. It may not be…
Often underrated, Revelation still seems a perfectly fine game to me. Sure, it’s no masterpiece, it feels way too short and the environment isn’t as interesting, but it does work properly as an ending…
A boring game with dull characters that wasn't able to survive the hype. The current-day story-line was ended as most games in the franchise do: generating more questions than answers, making it look …