1-Bit Dungeon 64 (C64)
UPDATE: D64 Disk Version only with Load/Save of Hi-Scores, Thanks to Richard Bayliss for updating his Framework to V4.0 i was able to take the Hi-Score Load/Save Code and import it into my modified framework code.
A Game for TheC64Maxi/C64Mini/Commodore 64 or a Good C64 Emulator.
1 Player Arcade Dungeon Hack 'n' Slash type Game, Guide Sir 1-Bit around the Dungeon, Avoid Traps and Kill Monsters that get in your way, Walk into Chests and Potion Bottles for Bonus and HP, Good Luck and have Fun.
Enjoy the 1-Bit Spectrum like Graphics and the Cool Spooky Sid Tune.
Made with help from the Shoot 'Em' Up Construction Kit by Sensible Software and Using a modified SEUCK Enhancement Framework Code, Original Framework code by Richard Bayliss of TND, Music by Andrew Fisher (Merman).