1112 episode 03

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The much-anticipated third episode of the 1112 phenomenon is finally available on the App Store!

4.5/5 - gamezebo.com - "Louis returns to Jalonsville for the best game in the series yet."
9/10 - capsulecomputers.com.au - "1112 is an incredibly impressive game. The production values are higher than a lot of iOS games, and it manages to create an atmosphere which is not something I’ve experienced on iOS. This is a definite must have, it will keep you on the edge your seat and desperate for more."
5/5 - iphonity.fr - "Très diversifié, jouabilité originale, aspect visuel et sonore de toute beauté et intrigue immersive, vous ne resterez pas pantois devant un jeu de cette envergure !"
18/20 - belgium-iphone.lesoir.be - "La force du titre réside bien entendu dans sa réalisation sans failles! Le scénario, la jouabilité, la bande sonore et les graphismes ont été améliorés afin d'offrir au joueur une expérience fantastique pour un smartphone."
17/20 - jeuxvideo.com - "l'aventure est tout bonnement réjouissante, et la réalisation de ce troisième épisode vient encore sublimer le tout."
8/10 - funtouch.net - "Le studio Agharta signe avec 1112 une série de jeux d’aventures qui figure parmi les plus réussies de notre plateforme."
8/10 - applicationiphone.com - "1112 Episode 3 est un très bon jeu d’aventure, avec ses nombreuses énigmes à résoudre et des graphismes soignés."

Louis is back in Jalonsville by means of an enigmatic passageway.
The mystery thickens; our hero begins to stagger into madness.
Can you help him regain a foothold in reality?

Episode three of 1112 has much richer content than its predecessors; it will keep you in suspense for many hours!

- A visual experience pushed to new heights
- 39 new backgrounds more real than real life
- 14 new characters
- 14 Achievements to unlock in Game Center
- Many puzzles with specific gameplays
- Ergonomics perfectly adapted to Multi-Touch
- Fluid, dynamic interfaces
- Original and spellbinding music
- A rich and immersive storyline
- Much longer than episodes one and two combined!

Note: it is not necessary to buy the preceding episodes; a summary is given at the beginning of the game.

Become a fan on Facebook: 1112game
Follow us on Twitter: aghartastudio
YouTube: aghartastudio
Release date
Agharta Studio
Agharta Studio
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for iOS

iPhone First Gen, iPod Touch First Gen, iPod Touch Second Gen, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3G S, iPad Wifi, iPad 3G, iPod Touch Third Gen, iPhone 4, iPod Touch Fourth Gen, iPad 2 Wifi, iPad 2 3G, iPhone 4S, iPad Third Gen, iPad Third Gen 4G, iPhone 5, iPod Touch Fifth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen 4G, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 4G, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2
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Last Modified: Oct 22, 2019

Where to buy

App Store