3D Platformer Final (miznerco)
3D Platformer Final
1. Changed level 1 into a completely new level
2. Added level 2 and 3 with different obstacles and longer playtime.
3. Added a theme to each level, level 1(Green)=easy, level 2(Yellow)=medium, level 3(Red)=hard.
4. Each theme has corresponding game objects to fit the color. For example, Green/Easy level has green walls, green ceilings, green pickups, and green enemies.
5. Following modification 4, I changed enemies health and object movement speed to follow the progressive difficulty.
6. Changed Player jump force for more of a challenge as the levels progress.
7. I changed the main menu colors to fit the "Green, Yellow, and Red theme in the background.
8. I changed ALL UI colors levels 1-3 with the pause menu, death menu, and victory menu.
9. I also added a "how to play" in the main menu itself.
10. I utilized resizing of walls, ceiling, and floors to fit my vision better in each level.
Created by:
Collin Mizner, CAS 117 Student