A Distance
Name = Laxmi Kant
Team No. = 1 (Solo Developer)
Game Name = A Distance
Team Name = Mahadakash or L4
Email = [email protected]
Game Information
Engine = Unreal Engine
Platform = Windows OS x64bit
Developed System Specifications :
TYPE = Laptop
MODEL = Dell Vostro 3478
Processor = i5-8250U CPU 1.60GHz 1.80GHz
RAM = 8 GB
OS = Windows 10 64bit
GPU = Intel UHD Graphics 620
Level Start = By Default Game Open In Playable Level
Click On Red Level Start the Game and Save the Environment.
Gameplay = This game is simple mean we need save our Environment.
1. Destroy the Environment Effects
2. Effect = Red Color Effect
3. If Not You lose the Environment.
Player Game Control
1. Movement = W S A D[ W A S D]
2. Fight Mode = R
3. Jump = Space
:. Posses = [1] [2] [3] Keyboard Keys Different Locations
4. Player Health ZERO (0) Click On The EXIT Button Because
5. Close The Game Press ESC key To Show Mouse Cursor and click on EXIT
THEME GAMEPLAY : We see our environment long time not in good condition so I made game on it to save our Game Environment.
but we're not done yet we need to more work on our EARTH ENVIRONMENT and SAVE IT.
Used Assets :
Player = Wraith (Paragone Asset)
Animation = Customized Animation CloseCombatSwordsman.
Animation = CloseCombatSwordsman
Enemy = Default UE Player
Animation = Customized Animation CloseCombatSwordsman.
Effects = InfinityBladeEffects
Customized = Color's
Landscape Material = Brushify
Used Material = MI_Landscape (Custmozied RVT[Runtime Virtual Texture]).
Water Material = Customized Parms.
Thanks You!!
Play and Enjoy!!