Average Playtime: 6 hours

Achievement Hunter: Darkness

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Achievement Hunter: Darkness is a 2d action / shooter game in which you play as the protagonist, who is in the land of eternal darkness.
Fight with creatures that come from the darkest corners of the earth and then perhaps you will get out of this hell.

Game features:
  • 5000 achievements
  • Minimal allowable price
  • Dark forces against which you will fight
  • Dark atmosphere of game
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7, 8,10
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster
  • Memory: 2048 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 240 GT
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Achievement Hunter: Darkness reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Let's See: * In simplicity, the game is really bad. Repetitive enemies (actually there's only one) And what can you expect from him? (Actually a lot if you have not been enough to buy the others..). * A game about a.. Skeleton, maybe? It shoots at enemies in order to kill them to get coins from the game and improve the different points of: attack Range, damage, speed (This I do not recommend since I went to the Max and my character died just for walking fast. YES, it you off too much after several minutes of effort..) * What could I say about him? Since it doesn't even deserve an extensive review, because it doesn't work for accomplishments uh. I downloaded and found several guides saying that the last 30 achievements are bugeados, crash, explanations and blaa bla bla, how To fix them, etc. * If You need achievements (For the only thing that serves, and octaves.. 4970/5000) Eeeeh, Ssssi.. You can buy it, but do not get all as needed before. * Generalizing The Games of this type.. Only a few have the achievements at 100. The Same company, of course. Conclusion: * Buy it only to have more numbers in your profile, excellent:) 01-10
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Full Analysis (~ 2.0/10.0) Well, let's give it... This is a Game... Very bad, so I invite you to... Don't ADD it!!! Don't Even put it on the wish list. Wait, read it all before you make your choice. For the price is... Just... Good balance. And your time in the chair is going to be Very short. This game goes straight to the hall of Infamy... or describe it... It Is a game or program where literal you do nothing if not wait.... And wait.... And at 3 hours you have all the achievements unlocked.... And that's 100% of the description.... But if you can play... It's not the big deal basically it's a family game Note: It'S The same game copied as 30 times Considerations: The Duration: As Such the Game has a Very short duration. .. Price: It Is considerate... Just... Good balance. Regarding its content.. The story: The Game possesses a story N/A or Does Not have... Quality: The Game has a Terrible content.. Quality... The quantity:... Sera that is DLC?.. Good Thing: There Are Several good things in the Game, like... Price... The bad: There Are things you should consider, like...... The Ugly: There Are things you don't want to see, like... Gameplay, Difficulty/IA, Content, Video/Graphics, Ambience, Effects, Music, Diversity, Duration,... What's uncomfortable: Coming Soon. Possible improvements: Obviously The Bad and the ugly, but there may be more... Soon. Rating: Rating: ~ 2.0/10.0 Don't ADD it!!! Don't Even put it on the wish list. Gameplay: 3.0/10.0 Very bad. Difficulty/IA: 2.0/10.0 And difficulty? Content: 2.0/10.0 Sera that is DLC? Video/Graphics: 3.0/10.0 Level PS1 or N64. History/Context: N/A/10.0 N/A or Not. Ambientation: 2.0/10.0 Terrible Effects: 1.0/10.0... Had? Music: Lousy 2.0/10.0. Voices: N/A/10.0 N/A or Not. Diversity: Lousy 2.0/10.0. Images/Video: I did Not make a video... Nor plan to do If you like our analysis do not forget to give us a like, you can also follow us on our mentor site by clicking here! -= Gamer's | Community =-and don't forget to leave your comments.
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