Average Playtime: 3 hours

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics

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Challenge the horrifying reign of Nazi terror and battle an immortal evil in Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics; a turn-based tactical strategy game set in the award-winning Achtung! Cthulhu universe.
In this raging Secret War across Europe, an untold darkness spreads deep beneath the Earth and throughout the Forest of Fear. The unknown lurks in the shadows and you must claim victory at any cost, because whilst Nazi factions terrorise these lands, they are not the darkest foe you face…
Behind enemy lines and tasked with overthrowing a nightmare alliance of dark science and the occult, you hold the fate of humanity in your hands. Lead your elite squad of allied forces to victory using daring tactics and cunning strategies to overthrow the Cult of the Black Sun and destroy the Mythos secrets they plan to use.
Key Features
Tactical Combat: direct a squad of allied heroes in innovative turn-based ground battles.
Momentum System: perform well in combat by racking up kills and executing critical hits to earn Momentum and turn the tide of battle in your favour.
Light vs Dark: harness the power of the light to expose and suppress the spawn of Cthulhu hiding in wait in the oppressive darkness.
AP System: every decision is important and the Action Point System gives you the flexibility to put as much emphasis into heavy combat or nimble movement as you like.
Psychological System: witness too many horrors of war and watch as your unit's sanity begins to unravel mid-fight.
Build Your Team: characters have unique skills that can be unlocked and levelled up in different ways, and weapons can be modified to give a variety of benefits. This lets you customise your squad to better vanquish Nazi scum.
Weird World War: explore the Lovecraft-meets-WW2 universe of Achtung! Cthulhu like never before with Mythos-inspired enemies and a story-driven campaign handcrafted by John Houlihan which ties directly into the pen and paper roleplaying game narrative.

Release date
Auroch Digital
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Processor: i5-4570
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce 1050 GTX Ti 4GB
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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War Hero
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Achtung Cthulu (Halloweek 4 Highlights)
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics — What You Can't See Might KILL YOU!
31 / 01 / 19 - Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics / Wandersong
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Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Well I am finally able to give my opinion and I am very comfortable! What to say, first and for those who ignore it: Achtung! Cthulhu is a world of paper role-playing games edited by Modiphius (VO) and sans-detour (VF) editions, I greet both companies and thank them already for that!! So we arrive in a world war frame in the sauce "great old" Lovecraftienne, and it's good! The troops encountered here are directly exported from the bestiary of the range of role-plays and the universe of H.P. Lovecraft, and here in this game we mix it with turn-by-turn like any good "Tacticals". And it works, better in my eyes than the X-COMs series... because here we find mechanisms of surveillance/overwatch and other special capacities used with "point d'élan" (a resource of point "special" usable by the whole esquouade. And this... It adds the key that kills, because we find ourselves with tactical subtilitas that are very interesting! Well you will have understood, I have already sold my soul to Modiphius and this without detour... without even saying that at 12 years I was selling my soul to the great ancients thanks to the literature of master Lovecraft. Go there frankly because the games is terrible and that any amateur of the genre (tactical or Lovecraftien) must try this games. I'm fine, and I'm going to go on. The campaign is interesting and totally in the tone of the universe. And the special abilities tree of the characters is very well thought out. The characters themselves and well they are purely in the Lovecraft spirit.... Go and sell your souls to the Lord of this Multiverse... Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-Nagl ftaghn! * The informed thing that was once SoLeKalt withdraws in the deep realms of its masters *
Translated by
Microsoft from French
This is my first test, so be tolerant. However, since the game was recently released (October 4, 2018), I think my contribution could be beneficial. The game is often compared to X-COM, with reason, although obviously the page of the store does not mention it. At first, due to only 1gb of download, I was very dubitative, but strength to find that the necessary space has nothing to do with the quality of the game. The game is very good, and this, despite few hours of play. The atmosphere of the second world war and the world of Lovecraft works perfectly. The more I advance, the more I look forward to discovering the new enemies, the new powers of the heroes, the new environments, etc. The graphics are very nice, although it is not a selling point. It is especially the General design that is very pleasant, especially if you like this type of universe, i.e. Lovecraft, Warhammer, return to Castle Wolfenstein etc. It's not scary, but it doesn't leave you indifferent. For me, this type of universe is much more interesting than the aseptic universe of X-COM, which is a very good game, but whose universe leaves me indifferent (I will not go beyond the game). Conversely, with Achtung! Cthulhu tactics, I want to discover the universe, read about the heroes, the enemies and the whole universe. At the level of the game, it is very similar to X-COM, but with less choice, and this, at the level of customization. Also, do not think to change the uniform of your troops, since these are fixed. I do not mind, but I can understand that it may seem a setback for some. My great disappointment is mostly the lack of soldiers for your team. I wish I had a dozen commandos available, but hey. Finally, we have to deal with the price. The price is justified, especially if they add free content, i.e. new missions, new commandos, new enemies, etc. However, be aware that the content is significantly lower than X-COM, so if you do not adhere to the universe, the lack of customization and the lack of available classes/commandos, then wait for a discount or go your way. Last comparison with X-COM, the game is easier, so for me it's a quality. I always found that the time constraint in X-COM 2 was something painful, especially when you want to improve your troops. In the end, it is a good game and recommends it, especially to those who love the universe of Lovecraft, Warhammer, Wolfenstein, i.e. the mixture of mysticism with science fiction, history or even fantasy. That's!
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