Can you solve the mysteries of Aethos and escape the island?
Move with the arrow keys or WASD. Interact with objects by clicking when you're close. Press escape to stop interacting.
This game features autosave and will pick up right where you left off!
This is a fully playable but unfinished product. Here are some tips if you'd like to spend some time with this game.
There's no indicator for interactables but hopefully the objects that are interactable will be fairly obvious, there's not that many of them.
Unfortunately there's no way in-game way to clear your save or switch profiles. If you encounter a game-breaking bug during the jam voting period, please let me know, and you can reset your data by deleting all of the /idfbs/FILE_DATA entries in the Indexed DB section of your browser's developer console.
There is a cave entrance on the screen to the left of the cherry tree. It's a bit hard to spot, but it's there! Finding the cave entrance is not one of the puzzles!
There are puzzles that involve both audio and color. If you are either hard or hearing or colorblind, I'm sorry! I ran out of time to create fallbacks.
Sadly, there is no end screen. You have 'won' when you are able to light up all three of the starting pillars. Congrats!