1) overworld
move around with the arrow keys. press X to go into rotate mode. in rotate mode, press the arrow key of the direction you want to rotate.
each player gets 6 action points (AP) at the start of their turn. moving and rotating both consume 1 AP.
your power, marked by the large number of your color, is the amount of tiles you have connected, minus your handicap (which you get from fights). if a player falls to 0 power or below, they lose and are removed from the game.
2) fights
fights start when territories collide. during a fight, you have a cursor that you can move with the arrow keys. (note that unlike in the overworld, the cursor can step on enemy territory.)
press Z on an unoccupied tile to rotate it. this increases your handicap by 1 (marked by the negative number next to your power).
if you press Z on the opponent's tile, you will attack. the opponent's power is added to your handicap, and your power is added to the opponent's handicap.
the goal is to get the other player to 0 power or below.