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ARMA: Cold War Assault

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Bohemia Interactive's debut game published by Codemasters as Operation Flashpoint in 2001, became genre-defining combat military simulation and the No. 1 bestselling PC game around the world and has won many international awards, including “Game of The Year” and “Best Action Game”. Over 2 million copies have been sold since its release.
Storyline The horrors of WWIII are imminent.
There are clashes over the Malden Islands from dusk to dawn and you are caught in-between. You must use all of the available resources in your arsenal to hold back the incoming darkness. Victor Troska came back to Nogovo, he thought the pain of war was left buried in his past.
But his dream lies broken now.
His worst nightmare returns when military forces lands near Nogovo.
Key Features Cold War Assault
Command squad of fully equipped troops
Over 40 authentic vehicles and aircraft
Immersive campaign and single missions
LAN/Internet multiplay
Vast 100km2 battlezones
Story-driven 20-mission campaign
Nogova – the new 100km2 island
New vehicles, weapons and equipment
Detailed urban environments

Release date
Bohemia Interactive
Bohemia Interactive
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium II 500 MHz or AMD Athlon 600 MHz
  • Memory: 128MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D graphics card with 16MB RAM
  • DirectX®: DirectX 8.1
  • Hard Drive: 800MB free space
  • Sound: OpenAL sound compatible audiocard (DirectX via compatibility switch)
  • OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Dual-core 2.4GHz or AMD Dual-core Athlon 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 8600GT or ATI Radeon 3650 or faster with 256MB VRAM
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: Hard Drive: 1 GB free space
  • Sound: OpenAL sound compatible audiocard (DirectX via compatibility switch)
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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

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I loved this game... I miss it so much
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ARMA: Cold War Assault reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I have to say even though the Controls take getting used to and the Game has extremely outdated Graphics I have to say that it is extremely well done. Even small Details are taken into account there, Such as the Speed Indicator that moves with it and much more. It is difficult and sometimes you think to yourself "How to do This" especially during the Mission where you should leave Eberon where I constantly believe in coming to the village with my Squad because the Russians entrench themselves perfectly between the Trees and you have difficulty hitting them and d your own Soldiers tend to die quickly! Nevertheless, it is a Lot Of fun, for any of the difficult Games likes and even sometimes wants to play Realistic Games I would recommend Arma: Cold War Assault, or for anyone who remembers it in 2001 Operation FLashpoint: Cold War Crisis only. I am still nciht through the whole Game and the Control of the Weapons sometimes annoys because I have already activated the Grenade Launcher a few times without knowing how to switch over. Yes, I am still a little incompetent. Nevertheless, I give this Game a----/10 Ok now but I have to fight things again, so no 10/10 will. And that is what strikes me again again in the last Levels in which I am constantly stuck That the AI Aimbot Artig Akkurat can shoot. The Problem here is that one is pretty much alone in these Levels, which completely takes away the Fun of The Game, I have already looked at Playtroughs and the Steps followed are only my AI Opponents are blindely very much constantly right behind me, which is why I am constantly dying. That pretty annoys and takes the Fun of it. That's why the Game now kriget a 7/10
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Unfortunately, I have to say that after intensive Tests with various Mods and also without Mods with maximum Graphics settings I had massive Problems with the Game ... My History is that I played on my Windows XP Operation Flashpoint at the time and after some Time discovered the Mods/Add-ons and were very happy to use them in the Mission editor. The Problem at that time was that the Computer from the Hardware quickly reached its limits when it came to increased graphics settings, there were many Units on the Map or when I set the Visibility in The game up to 5000m to get a better one with Aircraft from above. To have Sight. The Result was that it jerked and became virtually unplayable. Years Later, I bought a new "Gaming" PC THAT could really be classified in the High-end sector (Graka GTX 1080Ti 64GB RAM 2TB SSD Drive and 10Core Processor Win10 Pro) to finally enjoy Operation Flashpoint in full Graphics and maximum Visibility. Can. But with this new W10 Operating system, the PROBLEM was to install the OFP with the old CDs but could no longer be started (32bit version uncompatible whatever ...), then I got myself the Same with OFP by the tip of a YouTube user from Steam "Arma Cold War Assault." Is identical to the Name. Unfortunately, I had to realize that even this new "PC" is not Able to get this Game to run flawlessly (considering the Game is from 2001), so it can't lie on the PC. The Problems start with the Graphics settings, if you set them too high the Game crashes, so nice Graphics = Pustcakes, although it would have been bitterly necessary with such an old Game, then I had the Problem with the Mods or Add-ons, some of which are also violent. Rucklers/Crashes triggered (Request probably too high)-.-"As an example mod" (SFP4.1.0 Swedish Armed Forces). " Also with the Control something was wrong when, for example, you ran sideways as a Soldier and the Mouse moved, one often turned in Circles at the Speed of Light (very dangerously in the middle of The Battle). There were other "Things" that weren't right, but performing all that would get too long ... So less recommended for my Taste (Single Player and Single Missions except the run well), above all it is unsuitable in Terms of Add-ons and Mods which was unfortunately my personal And most important Acquisition Ground. But Since, as you know, every PC is different, others with less good Hardware and software requirements have more Luck than I do.
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