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Armed and Dangerous

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Meet the Lionhearts.
A smack-talking rag-tag band of rebels bound on an impossible quest. With an arsenal of outrageous weapons, they're destined for victory in 12,000 bullets or less. If they can make it through an army of psychotic robots and a wall-smashing Goliaths, they just might save the world... if they don't burn it down first.
Navigate through a richly entertaining story with your smack-talkin' partners in crime.
Take down wicked enemies like half-man, half-animal Grunts, eliminator droids, wall-smashing Goliaths, evil monks and wild twiglets.
Brandish over 17 outlandish weapons like the Topsy-Turvy, the Vindaloo Rocket Launcher, or the World's Smallest Black Hole and the Land Shark Gun.
Explore five diverse environments including icy and snowy regions, mountains with breathtaking vistas, deep and foreboding woods, and rain-spattered cliffs.
Shoot your way through 21 action-packed missions.

Release date
Planet Moon Studios
Disney Interactive, LucasArts Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for Xbox

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 2000, XP or Vista
  • Processor: Pentium III 1GHz or AMD Athlon 1GHz
  • Memory: 256 RAM
  • Graphics: 32 MB 3D graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Compatibility
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0b
  • Hard Drive: 4.5 GB of free hard drive space
  • Sound: 100% DirectX9.0 compatible Audio Device
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Last Modified: Apr 17, 2024

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Armed and Dangerous reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Funny, Wicked Old Believer arcade game from the authors of the MPC and Worm Jim (plus another wonderful Giants: Sitizen Kabuto, of COURSE). For those who want to taste nostalgia and have a good time. Of those times when Lucas Arts was not a pretentious company and Could afford to release the Glass to its main franchise. Igesprocess is simple-fun run on a fairly compact arenas, which are connected to the levels and clean them from the opponents, performing internal tasks. Do not forget to go to the taverns (such beautiful, white houses) and remain at the level, because they can hurt to kill And you will have to return from afar))) Not for everyone, STRICTLY NOT FOR EVERYONE. Though to me as the admirer of deceased in a Bose Planet Moon, it would be desirable that this game looked as much as possible people. Unfortunately, unlike the same citizen Kabuto, the game looks more graphically outdated. The Game Division of Lucas ' collective was dispersed by Disney, who bought it. And videos, to colic funny and on good crazy videos, go in such a low resolution that the modern spectator will only spit and play the game. In Addition, the screen resolution has not been added to more than 1600 pixels, in which the proportions of the characters are distorted in a wide format. And it is necessary not to be lazy, to get in manuals on game (on a Steam) in English, to pass on a link, to download files... Who is capable of such a feat? Only the old men who saw the game even when they quit. So It is rather a recognition in a HUGE LOVE to this, extinct genre, than a simple recommendation to buy a game long-closed studio from a long-closed publisher.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Once very, very long ago, at the very end of 2003 or at the very beginning of 2004, I read about this game in the magazine. The Review was promising, the screenshots juicy-I remember it to me, in general. At the actual time, it was not possible to play, but when it was accidentally noticed during one of the Stimosassales-did take. And after a couple of years after that, she still got her hands. Vaguely remembering myself fourteen years ago-almost sure that the game would come. The good-for-the-time decanter, destructibility and humor, would definitely obscure the shortcomings. However, unfortunately, at the moment the only advantage of this game remained humor. He is really good, he has not aged (which, by the way, is even surprising), but one is not enough to hold off the monitor. Everything else varies from "bad" to "very bad". Graphine illustrates the term "obsolescence 3d", the Bulollell at the kishkobraznyh levels looks dull and bezydejno. Very boring and Bezydejno, just believe the word. Shootout is not really a fountain so much that it is one of the very very few games where the inclusion of autoakim (and this option offers the game itself, Keck)-will be legitimate. About interruptions with the imagination of the razslaves and repeated SEVERAL HAXUI TIMES of the mission, have already written above, but to remind about it will not be superfluous. But The fact that all cool and unusual volyny (and they are here, and they are sometimes QUITE cool and unusual) are useless and even harmful, the complexity above the average, like did not write. And it is. And it's sad. Very amusing look detailed explanations of any, even the most obvious xyni, cantilever-style. And the next generation of cantilever, p3/x360, the second flat so on my memory did not particularly suffer. So in this game, perhaps a pioneer, a keek. In Short-without the childish and youthful nostalgia in this game is definitely not worth it. And here to look all interlevel rollers on Yutuba-just it is worth, because Jumorka there quite well, sometimes even gygykal in a voice that asbae Nexyyuyu compliment, in fact.
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