~~~John Q. Psychic 2023~~~
====Credit to @horrorbuns for the Murdoch art (eat your heart our Kwaver!)===
Uh, hello! Thank you for checking out this "game".
This was made for Strawberry Jam 7, and the theme was "Horny Games".
Though it may look like it was hacked together in a weekend, we actually had the entire month of February to work on our little abominations. The original concept I had for this game was to make one giant metaphor for the surprisingly epic journey a sperm cell takes to reach the egg, and I had plenty of really cool ideas I was hoping to impliment. Unfortunately, almost all of them had to be cut because I just completely stopped working on my entry after the first week and procrastinated until like the very last day.
Anyway, ASS-TROIDS thrusts the player into a reasonably accurate simulation of orbit around THE BLACK HOLE SUN and hands them a "gun". Your goal is simple: Shoot the space rocks, don't let any of them hit you.
The challenge, of course, is that your targets are moving, and your "gun" is an ejaculating penis. Good luck!
W --- Accelerate forward
A --- Accelerate left
S --- Accelerate backward
D --- Accelerate right
SPACE --- Accelerate upward
LSHIFT --- Accelerate downward
I/J/K/L --- Rotate spaceship
E --- Roll right
Q --- Roll left
P --- Toggle Precision Maneuvering Mode
TAB --- Toggle 3rd person camera
F/LMB --- Fire Main Weapon
R/RMB --- Deploy Grenade
- Your spaceship is already in a stable orbit around THE BLACK HOLE SUN when the game begins. Don't panic, it's not going to immediately suck you in.
- There is very little friction in space. Your ship will continue to coast even if you are not firing your thrusters. Avoid overdoing your thrusters.
- Don't aim for where the asteroid is, aim for where it is going to be.
- If an asteroid is rushing straight for you, shooting it may be more effective than trying to dodge.
- The little red asteroids with exclamation marks are BOMBS. Feel free to shoot at one, just so long as you keep your distance.
- Stay away from THE BLACK HOLE SUN. Its gravity causes nearby asteroids to move quickly, making them that much harder to actually hit.
- Your bullets and grenades are NOT massless. Don't forget to factor in recoil while maneuvering.
- Beware of Kessler Syndrome.