Average Playtime: 5 hours

Atonement: Scourge of Time

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The last king was killed over 400 years ago and the global rule of the land ceased to exist. Slowly over the years the law and order started to subside, people began to divide amongst themselves, big cities were gradually gone and replaced with smaller settlements, and the whole land started to slowly degrade. Many believe it’s because the Angelkind have abandoned it.

Now the bandits roam the roads and wild animals roam the fields. The only safety can be found in smaller villages, where groups of people have banded to work together in order to survive. The relations between the different sentient races are very marginal and fragile. Some have been at long conflicts with one another, at times erupting into full blown wars. A holy Order of Atonement has been trying to keep the people together, but even their influence is limited to a handful of villages. And to top it all off, many believe a “Vindicator” will walk the land one day as a punisher of all the sins and bring forth a swift end upon it.That Day Has Come. Features
  • A large, decadent, dark fantasy world with a new take on concepts of angels and demons.
  • Two different protagonist teams, each one with its own point of view on the same story. Their paths repeatedly converge and diverge as they attempt to accomplish their own goals, occasionally antagonizing one another.
  • Unconventional way of unlocking new skills: each character possesses all of their special abilities from the start. However, many are locked by high energy cost. Increase max Energy by any means necessary to get access to those skills.
  • Strategically manage your energy in battles: use lots of low cost skills in a row, or use a high cost skill and wait for the overall energy to recharge.
  • Two difficulty modes: Normal and Challenging. Normal is streamlined so to allow most people to complete the game and witness the story. Challenging is for those seeking blood, sweat, sorrow, and death.
  • Turn-based battles and a variety of boss fights which require strategy to be beaten, especially in Challenging mode.
  • A variety of weapons, armour, and accessories, allowing customization of the equipment on playable characters to fit to your playstyle.
Release date
Astronomic Games
New Reality Games Int.
New Reality Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or above
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.Ghz or above
  • Graphics: Minimum 640x480 Desktop Resolution
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Stereo Sound
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Last Modified: Sep 5, 2024

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Atonement: Scourge of Time reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
+ Story (Angels and Demons) + Sound + Combat Cards + Collectible Cards + Achievements + Varied Opponents + Manual Save + 2 Characters are available at The Beginning (Woman or Man)-Low Resolution-which you do not have the exact Life Points of The opponents Sees-too few Things to find OR interact with RPG Items in the Form of: Level ascend buy Equipment and switch No Points Skill System
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Finally an RPG maker I like + Story (Angels and Demons) + Sound + Combat System + Collective Cards + Collective Cards + Varied Opponents + Manual Save + 2 Characters are at the Beginning to Choose from (Woman or a Man)-Low Resolution-which you do not see in Combat The exact Life points of the Opponents-too few Things to find OR interact RPG Elements in the Form of: Level ascend equipment buy And switch No Points Skill system
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Atonement: Scourge of Time Is a 2D RPG maker RPG that comes with the "usual" barren graphics, but tries to balance with the Story. I find it positive that it does not matter with the otherwise often usual anime look, but tries to present itself in the Style of the old RPG classics. I find the Story a bit very confused here, but nevertheless it is a decent RPG that can captivate If you can come to terms with the RPG-Maker Mechanics and Optics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDPgKD1xXYM
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Basic solid RPG maker game, but unfortunately nothing Outstanding Wem likes typical maker Role-playing games and that doesn't bring too much Aversion to Linearity and Western Graphics Kits, will certainly have its Fun with Atonement: Scourge of Time. It's commendable that the Developer has incorporated smaller Specifics here and there to highlight his Game from the crushing Mass of maker RPG's. Nevertheless, the Game does not really manage to advance to the Upper Class of maker Role-playing games. It takes more than two selectable Storylines, simple alibi puzzles and a minimally modified Skillation System to fully inspire. But I don't want to sound any more negative than the Game deserved. Atonement does his Job well and offers rock Solid Gameplay. You can't and shouldn't expect more from most maker Role-playing games anyway. Pro and Contra: Pro:-motivating Plot with sympathetic Characters-two different Storylines-two different levels of Difficulty-accustomed to uncomplicated control via Keyboard or Controller-offers smaller Features such as Energy point Self-regeneration or simple Puzzles Neutral:-offers the bottom line only 08/15 RPG maker gameplay-Graphics and Sound are based only on the prefabricated expansion pack of the RPG maker-extremely linear-playing Time slightly short (8-9 Hours for a The Storyline, i.e. about 17 Hours in total) Kontra:-Randelfall Fights-graphic Kit Is unused but rather unattractive The full Review: http://www.gamecontrast.de/atonement-scourge-of-time-review/#more-62250
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