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Thanks to Young Horses, Slick Ent Inc, and Team Meat for allowing us to do these amazing crossover exclusives for our Steam launch.

What is Bardbarian?
Bardbarian is a game! A game we've been lovingly working on for far too long and are ready to unleash on Steam with (hopefully) some love from the Greenlight Community.

What genre is the game?
It is a mixture of Tower Defense, RPG & RTS with some 'Shmup and Snake elements.

What's the Story?
You play as Brad the barbarian, who is awoken to the sounds of his town under siege. Today is different though; Brad has grown tired of fighting all the time. The usual grind for XP has grown dull, and he has decided to pursue his dreams of making music instead of shedding blood. Fashioning a lute out of an old axe, he steps out to save his town in the most bizarre of ways.

What's Gameplay like?
Move Brad around the battlefield and dodge incoming enemy attacks and projectiles. Brad is constantly playing his axe-lute and generating notes, standing still will cause him to "jam" and generate notes even faster. These notes act as your in-game resource; you can spend them to perform solos to summon units to follow and fight for you, as well as solos to boost their performance.

Navigate your party through the hordes of enemies, dodging and attacking, preventing them from destroying your town's prized decorative crystal. Survive waves to progress, collect loot, and unlock new units. Upon death you are able to visit the town shop in order to upgrade Brad, the town and your followers, in hopes to make it further next time.

  • Beautiful, hand-drawn artwork from start to finish
  • An awesome Rock/Metal original soundtrack by Maximum Satan
  • Bizarre genre-bending hybrid gameplay
  • 12 unique units to unlock
  • Customize your party loadout; Over 200 possible combinations
  • Collect loot from your fallen enemies and upgrade Brad, the town, and your units
  • A difficulty curve that will punish you for making mistakes, and you will
  • Over 8 enemy types to make you regret everything
  • 4 Epic boss battles to crush your spirits
  • Endless and Survival modes with leaderboards for when you're feeling competitive
  • Easter eggs and references galore, can you spot them all?
  • There's a dinosaur boss
  • There's also a Ratcoon, look at those sad little eyes

Steam/Greenlight Exclusive Features
  • Full controller support + KB+M
  • Revamped UI
  • Camera Control
  • Steam Cloud Saves
  • Rebalanced for Desktop
  • 3 Exclusive Indie Crossover Units
  • Steam Achievements/Leaderboards

Release date
TreeFortress Games
TreeFortress Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (including 64 bit editions) with Service Pack 2, Windows 7, or Windows 8 Classic
  • Processor: 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor, or Intel Atom™ 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbook class devices
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM

System requirements for iOS

iPhone 3G S, iPad Wifi, iPad 3G, iPod Touch Third Gen, iPhone 4, iPod Touch Fourth Gen, iPad 2 Wifi, iPad 2 3G, iPhone 4S, iPad Third Gen, iPad Third Gen 4G, iPhone 5, iPod Touch Fifth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen, iPad Fourth Gen 4G, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 4G, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X v10.6, v10.7, v10.8, or v10.9
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM

System requirements for Android

4.0 and up
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 13, 2024

Where to buy

App Store
Google Play

Top contributors


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10,878 items
I am Legend
Post a score in the Day 2 Insane Mode leaderboard. The most exclusive of all leaderboards.
Do all the things! 100% Completion.
3 Mile Run
Fact: There are 1609 meters in a mile.
Complete the entire campaign from start to finish without dying.
4 headz
Unlock the mythical 4th party slot.
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22 items
Can I Game In My 25th Hour Awake?
Bardbarian Any% Speedrun
Bardbarian Survival Impossibru!!!
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16 items

Bardbarian reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Bardbarian Is an RPG Tower defense of TreeFortress Games In Bardbarian, the Player plays a barbaric Bard who protects his Village with the Help of his enchanting Metal Powers. Main Menu: In the Main Menu, the Player is greeted by the blonde bard, some of his Cronies and a few nasty Opponents. This Main Menu can be run in two different Modes. Normal and Halloween. The Main Menu is clear, there are four selectable riders: Settings, play, Credits, Exit. The Main Menu is interactive, when the Mouse moves, the Background also moves. There is even something to discover, but this is something the Player should find out for himself. Game Modes: There are 2 Main Modes: Normal and Nightmare, these differ in their Difficulty. In these Main Modes, the Player protects his Village, upgrades it and buys useful Things. There are 20 Waves, all five Waves appear one or more Boss Opponents. There Are still Mini-games in these Game Modes. "Infinite": Here the Player runs through an endless Level and tries to avoid all Unpleasant things. "Survival": The Player is in a Level with limited Space and tries to survive as long as possible. More and more Opponents are spawn. Sometimes cronies, Bacon (heals 25% live) and Notes (necessary to cast Spells) also Spawn, with the Help of which survival is to be ensured. "Day 2": Day 2 is an unlockable Mode in which the Waves continue from the Main Game. Difficulty: The Difficulty of the Game varies only slightly between "Normal" and "Nightmare," the decisive factor here is more how far you have progressed in the Game and how many Cronies you have already unlocked. Graphic: Bardbarian has a fun comic graphic that fits the Game and supports the Atmosphere. Music: In Bardbarian only plays alternative Rock and Metal in the Background, which suits our hard Bard very well. The few Pieces of music are very well done and an Ear Candy for every metal fan. Fun: Bardbarian is not only briefly Fun in between, it is also suitable for longer game Sessions and even makes you a little addictive When, like me, you always scratch off in the last Wave * hust *. Game Time: Personally, at the Time of this Review, it took me 10.7 Hours to get all The Achievements. An average Player is likely to take between 5 and 7 Hours. As a result, playing Time is limited. Price/Performance: €8€ is a Rod of Money for most tower defense Games. But due to the large Amount of Content, Gameplay and damn well-made graphics and Music, it's worth buying Bardbarian. Achievements: There are 22 Achievements, most of which can be achieved within a very short Period of time, the last achievements can be if you are as stupid as I am, some Time in coming. You can then play longer for that. Main Menu: 9/10 Game Modes: 10/10 Difficulty: 7/10 Graphic: 8/10 Music: 8/10 Game Fun: 10/10 Game Time: 6/10 Price/Performance: 9/10 Total Score: 8/10 If you liked this Review, check out the other reviews of our Curator Group! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/-German_Gamer_Community-Omakoma over and out!
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