Beehive Simulator

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Ever wanted beastmaster powers to control a buzzing hive and make it follow your whims?  Today's the day! In this small digital experience you can have a fun five minutes ordering around a procedurally generated beehive of your own, playing around with various values to even further customize its routes and shapes~


  • 5 unique movement algorithms with whooping total 15 of possible formations and infinite variations based on parameters changeable in real time!
  • 3 colors of bees - Clockwork Orange, Maroon 5 and Deep Purple!
  • Two mouse-controlled patterns!
  • True 8-bit color field with mapped transparency and special animation effects!
  • Atmospheric ambience with sounds of real beehive, BZZZZ!

How to play:

Enter/Space to confirm menu option
Esc to open/close option menu

<> to change parameters
-+ to change the value
Up, Down arrow keys to change Signature - the movement type which
determines the pattern
Left, Rigth arrow keys to change Subtype - the pattern variant

F12 to take a PNG screenshot
Ctrl+F12 to start/stop recording GIF - feel free to post your most bizarre results in the comments!

Values explained:

Particle count - number of bees, from 1 to 500
rangeX/Y - the movement range for the random number pool
Offset - relative to position on screen
Time - in some cases determines movement speed, positive value
Probability - in some cases determines chance of "reseeding"
Anim range - pattern update frequency
Spriteset - 1,2 and 3 are valid values, changes the color of bees, but
will only update when new particle is created via Particle count

Made with OHRRPGCE game engine in about 3 days

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Jan 15, 2021

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