Beyond the Stars

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This will be a project that happens over time with no planned release but I will commit on finishing it as my first most recent release game.

Basic gameplay. You must capture the 5 gates and push the enemy 'blue' into there 'home gate' so they are unable to respawn. No current win conditions are implemented. Current build only has basic gameplay mechanics.


You have a panel that says AI, CNTR and IDLE. you can currently switch between AI and CNTR. when you have CNTR selected, you are able to manually control where your 'Home Ship' goes. You can click go to to set up a manual point or you can click directly on the numbers or "gate indicators" to go to that point.

In the lower left side you have your ship with health and energy bar. 'currently being implemented'. Next you have your ship bays. 

These can be assigned to be hangers, Energy generators, cannons and a blue oxygen generator that is currently not implemented. you can only assign under manual control. Under AI bays will be automatically assigned to what the ship feels best fits for current combat situation.

Hangers will allow you to re-deploy corvettes at low cost directly at your home ship.

Auto Cannons will attack anything attacking you at close range. You cannot take down swarms of corvettes. Mostly effectives vs larger cruisers, carriers and destroyers. These buildings require one energy generator per auto cannon.

Generators. These are used to power up to 2 hangers or 1 auto cannon

Mineral. You automatically start to harvest mineral when your home ship is over the mineral. Under AI the ship will automatically stop and mine. However under manual control you are able to still fly and harvest material.

On the right side of the UI you have your reinforcement cards. They will display offline when they are ready to be selected for what unit you will build.  after the unit as been selected the card will automatically go into build mode 'Currently greyed out' when the card is ready, it will turn green. You can then click, hold and drag the card to whatever gate you control. After the card is finished doing its action it will be returned and go on resource cooldown. You will not have to pay for the card until the card has finished performing its action. However the card will be disabled until payment has been received.


Corvette Card. You have 3 levels of corvettes your allowed to deploy. Each level will cost an additional mineral and have longer cooldowns.

Bomber Card.  Same as corvettes with tracking munitions.

Carrier. Automatically becomes available when you control your 2 home gates.

Cruiser, automatically becomes available when you have 3 gates.

Destroyer. same as Cruiser.

Titan. Becomes available at gate 4 or 5. 'Blues home gates'

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

Beyond the Stars screenshot, image №2467774 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Aug 3, 2020

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