Caves of the Mad Lich
Caves of the mad Lich (CTML for short) is a 2D roguelike, taking inspiration from games such as Nethack and POWDER. As of this time, the game is still in early development, meaning it may lack content, and bugs might be found. Feel free to leave a comment about what you think, any feedback is appreciated.
The tileset used was not made by me, it can be found here:
arrow keys or numpad - move*
"3" - show equipped items
The rest of the keybindings can be found by pressing "INSERT" in game.
*You can only move diagonally with the numpad keys
Mouse SupportHovering over an object in the FOV will display it's name. Selecting targets is also done with the mouse, l-click to accept, r-click or "ESC" to cancel.