Cellular Protection (PotatoNato)
Control a white blood cell who protects the body by getting in the way of virus's and bacteria.
Stop bacteria and virus's from getting past you. Your white blood cell has health that it must also heal up.
(use "Help" button in game to learn more)
A,D/Left Arrow,Right Arrow: Move
Space: Heal
Music: NONSTOPIX - Flying Trees(https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-nonstopix-flying-trees-11668/)
All other assets were made by me for this jam.
(credits are also in game)
Software used:
Unity: Game Engine
LibreSprite: Art
Chiptone: SFX
This is actually the second game jam I've ever participated in. I hope you enjoy!
(I'm going to be honest I think I messed up the balancing pretty bad)