Chameleon Care
Welcome to your very own virtual vivarium!
This game was created by Webow for the #LOWREZJAM2018.
In Chameleon Care you will care for and breed chameleons, but don't be fooled it's not an easy chill-out kind of game. It's difficult keeping exotic, pixellated pets!
Select chameleons with randomized traits.
Name your chameleons.
Keep your chameleons warm (but not hot!)
Ensure your vivarium is humid (but not drenched!)
Keep an eye on the stats.
Fill up their hungry tummies!
And give them some love (unless they grumpy)...
Get to know the chameleon-code, they will tell you when they are hungry, thirsty, happy, sad, sick, warm or cold.
And, if you're a good chameleon carer you may get a surprise...
Chameleon Care was devised and created for the #LOWREZJAM2018 and any support is gladly welcomed. I will continue to develop the game after the jam, so keep an eye out, in the future for updates, including:
- Learned traits.
- Enhanced genetics.
- More chameleons (larger vivarium).
- Incubation (eggs) control.
- New foods.
- Day/Night cycle and "sleepiness".
“Pamgaea” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
“Super Friendly” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
“Babylon” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
“Sound effects obtained from“
Thank you for your support,
Dan (Webow).