Clandestine Operation
Clandestine Operation is a shooter mainly inspired by CounterSpy. It’s mostly a 2.5D game - 3D with a side view, where the player can only move around the xx’ axis - but at some specific points on the levels, the player has the opportunity to take advantage of a 3D in-depth view.
Plot: “During the pandemic, a student, which some people call 'Doctor X', decides to throw a party with his friends at FEUP. To do that he has to save them from the evil professors and security guards while crossing the FEUP’s halls and avoiding their dangers.”
As a proof of concept, only two levels were developed: one tutorial level where the player can learn the basic mechanics of the game, and one story level, with four rooms.
As future work, the game should contain more levels and a random level generator, that assembles different rooms each time the player tries to play the game or progresses on it so that he has a different experience every time he plays Clandestine Operation.