Note: All files (.pck, .exe, etc.) mus be in the same folder/directory
Hey y'all. bkoklu001 here.
This is my first ever game! It's built using the Godot Engine and is coded in GDScript. This took me ~10 of work. It's not very much, but please feel free to donate! (Please do...) Right now, this project is paused, but I'll come back once I get a little more support and experience.
Now, this game might be a little confusing. I'll explain and give you a tutorial right now.
You code lines of code clicking the Code! button. Accumulate some code, and make a program. Sell that and with the money you have, hire someone. Now, take note that hiring someone means that you'll pay them every minute.
Thanks for playing!
Support me on my journey at: