Average Playtime: 3 hours


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Conarium is a chilling Lovecraftian game that follows the gripping story of four scientists and their endeavour to challenge what we normally consider to be the "absolute" limits of nature. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's novella At the Mountains of Madness, but largely set after the original story.
You, as Frank Gilman, open your eyes inside a room filled with strange, pulsating noises. Patterns of lights executing a Danse Macabre on the walls is presented by a queer device on the table. Having recalled nothing other than that you’re in Upuaut, an Antarctic base located near the South Pole, you find the place deserted and have a distinct feeling of something being terribly wrong. Somehow knowing that your memories cannot guide you enforces a strange feeling of vulnerability, a familiar yet alien sensation of being a part of a peculiar whole... Soon you will discover that having used the device during the expedition, you have died but then returned subtly changed, speaking of strange memories and of strange places. You have lost something important or gained something sinister...
Explore the Antarctic base, as well as dreams and visions. Study clues and unlock secrets, whilst avoiding macabre beings at all cost.
Key features:
A deep and suspense-filled Lovecraftian story with lots of secrets and Easter eggs.
Ominous but wonderful graphics created with Unreal Engine 4.
Multiple endings.
A haunting and atmospheric soundtrack.
Powered by Unreal Engine 4, Conarium aims to bring cutting-edge visuals for a more immersive storytelling and gaming experience.

Release date
Zoetrope Interactive
Iceberg Interactive
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

7 / 8 / 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690K @3.50GHz or AMD FX-9370
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R7 370
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 8 GB available space
Mouse, Keyboard
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Last Modified: Jan 26, 2025

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      Conarium reviews and comments

      No intro, player just thrown into the game with no information, attachment to the character or the narrative setting.

      Random stumbling around corridors picking up notes to read and get even more bored.

      Object interactions with cheap or even absent animations take away any resemblance of satisfaction in progressing through this average lovecraftian experiment.
      «Waste of time»
      Excellent atmosphere due to great sound and graphic design. Puzzles are not that great though and are sometimes even annoying to solve. Does not use cheap jump scares, which is a big plus. The developers have clearly read their Lovecraft stories and I would definitely recommend the game to those interested in that type of horror.
      Translated by
      Microsoft from Deutsch
      I just finished it and I'm also divided. It is a Kind of 3D adventure in which you experience a beautiful Story, solve a few Object Puzzles and "explore" the Game value. The Story was quite Interesting. The Puzzle Interludes a bit questionable. I would like to describe it this way: For some "Puzzles" you need Objects that, if you have overlooked them, make the Solution of the Puzzles very strange. You mostly get told that something is wrong. Just where's the Thing? Then you start looking. There was then a Place in the Game where you want to look for an Object again by the Process, but then I have to solve the Puzzle very intuitively. So you might think you have to look for something, but that's not like that and now yes is just a half hour after that. So in terms of puzzles, I've seen significantly better. For example, in "The Turing Test" in which you have to solve very simple And then later more complicated puzzles at the beginning, but whose Solution is only because of the "Mind" and not because of the Fact that you have overlooked something or you think it or maybe was like that? Well seis drum. Playing Time isn't really long, either. But If you are looking for a Trip like me, you will find your two Evenings. I had no technical Problems with it. It ran neatly On the Vega64 card in 4k 90% Scaling, i.e. in FreeSyncRange with 55FPS cap. That is, that should still go quite well with a 5 Year old Card. The Translation of the Texts has been almost perfectly successful. You could only complain in 1-2 Places, but otherwise it has been really good. If the Setting Was still in German, everything would be great. That seems kind of expensive. That's a shame actually. Shit capitalism ...
      Translated by
      Microsoft from Deutsch
      I will not write a Treatise on the Content of the Game, you will find it more or less In the Description and some Reviews, nor to serve me stupid Anglicisms such as: "A real nices game." Here you should only share my personal Impressions that might or might not help you decide to buy this Game. J.P. Lovecraft is no Stranger to me and also because the Game is inspired by his Works, I didn't want to miss this Experience. Right, it's gone into play more than just "On the Mountains of Madness." Connoisseurs will be Connoisseurs at: "On the Table there is a strange Device, ..." " A familiar yet strange Feeling of belonging to a strange whole ..., "" You died and then slightly changed back. "Recognize at least one more Short Story" The Liquenter in the Dark. " This deals and describes in more detail the Idea of interworldly journeys, the Man's inexhaustible Will to explore the Unknown and testifies Again to Lovecraft'S Exceptional Talent to create alien worlds. At the Latest while Playing, you will encounter many Details related to other Works by the Author. But only on the Sidelines, if someone wants to delve further into the Topic. Now back to the Game. In fact, I am undecided to note something definitely positive or Negative. I think it's more because I'm biased and have read the Books, where, of course, everything is more colourful, intense and exciting as it plays out in my own Head. As far as your Imagination may carry you. That, to my Lovecraft Friends. Taken As a Whole, I liked it. It wasn't pulled up unnecessarily and the little Puzzles in between contributed something to The change. Because visually the constant Darkness already presses on the Mind and I was able to play a maximum of Stunde/one and a half at a time. It's a bit monotonous. But I think the Game offers enough to come back and finish Frank'S Journey. Lovecraft newbies will certainly have their Fun Discovering. Beware of the Reading Divers among you (if you have fought your way through this), the Events and partly the Atmosphere in the Game, are carried by documents that you must collect and read. My personal Conclusion: But maybe don't Buy it at a Full Price after all.
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