Crossheir to the Throne
With only 3 Bullets in your magazine, run through a target course and compete for the best time. Every three consecutive hits you get a quick reload.
NOTE: If you load into the main scene and can't see or move. Press pause -> Options, change your FOV and Sensitivity values. This should fix it for all future playthroughs.
This game was made for the SGDA Spring Game Jam.
WASD - Move
Left Click - Shoot
Right Click - Zoom
TAB - Reset run
Space - Jump
Reload - R
Pause - Esc
Developed by:
Andrew Sylvester
Cameron Meyer
Noah Sims
Henry Werner
Sheridan Green
Bill Dang
Assets used:
ShippingContainer - SimpleModelsForMe
Industrial Models - Made For Games
City Props Bundle - RaioBoss3D
Claire De Lune by Debussy - Brent Hugh
Buzzer - pgonsilva
Wood on wood - OTBTechno
Unlocking big metal door - soundmary
Footsteps on concrete - florianreichelt
Jumping on bed - Hawkeye_Sprout
Hand Gun shot - elliotlp
Revolver cocking - Dredile