Cyber Soul Slayer
Please do leave a feedback, opinion, comment, criticism or an idea.
!!!Current tiles and sprites, sounds are just placeholders!!!
Release date: hopefully around 2020 fall.
Features: (many of them are not implemented yet, maybe changed in the future)
Unlockable classes with activatable abilities:
-To refresh your ability you must kill enemies (how unique)
-Turbocharger, gains firerate bonus and health for a few seconds
-Shielder, absorbs damage, when duration ends throws shield and deals the absorbed damage in a radius
-Melee, teleports and deals bonus melee damage
-And more...
-Randomly generated levels with 5 worlds, 5 level each, also secret levels
-5 weapon type: Bullet , Shotguns, Energy, Explosives, Melee
-Around 17 different enemies, ssome of them are rare unique enemies
-4 World bosses, and a final boss
-After beating the final boss: option to continue "new game +": more enemies, stronger enemies appear earlier levels (such as bosses or secret enemies)
-(you can keep going with this until you die)
-Passive upgrades: such as bullets bouncing from walls, bonus ammo etc.
-Ability upgrades: unique for each class
-Lot of weapons
-Enemies drop loot (small medkits, ammopacks, rarely: guns too)
-And many more stuff coming....
*Need to do:
- Sounds, better HUD, better menu, enemies, effects, so on...
******Limited number of weapons, levels, classes are available in the demo*******
-the demo is kinda a mess but it works and gives you an idea what the game will be like
-you can right click walls to destroy them, this is for debug, but do whatever u want