Average Playtime: 7 hours

Dark and Light

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The shattered remains of the mother planet Gaia float in stark contrast against the sky on nearby satellite planet, Archos, serving as inescapable evidence of the dark forces surrounding the world. As a lone explorer in the wilderness, you must learn to understand the terrain, natural resources, as well as how to domesticate the local creatures and build a home. You will need to harness and control the magical energy that courses through the planet, or you risk being consumed by the looming darkness that permeates throughout the planet.

Every aspect of Dark and Light has been re-imagined, re-worked, and upgraded from the 2004 original. Gaia’s very existence is dictated by primal elemental forces, including wind, earth, water, fire, light, and darkness. These elements course through the world, sometimes clashing and causing earth-shattering changes. Gaia houses a number of various biomes, including lush forests, soaring peaks of ice-capped mountains, a towering volcano clouded with sulfur and ash, as well as breezy floating islands, ominous dark forests, wide swamps, and deep caverns. Extreme weather conditions will put you to the test; you'll need to procure food and water, as well as the proper tools required to roam this expansive land and brave the unforgiving elements.

Ages ago, Gaia was attacked by dark forces and collapsed, plunging the world into darkness. Many sought exodus to Archos, one of Gaia’s satellite planets - unwittingly (or for some, perhaps intentionally) bringing the dark forces along with them. As a result, Archos’s atmosphere has been adversely affected, causing some strange occurrences on the planet during the night. During the day, Archos’s landscape is peaceful, but once the sun sets, the planet immediately plunges into chaos. Occasionally, the remnants of Gaia will block out the sun, causing an eclipse on Archos, resulting in a violent, bloodthirsty frenzy among the planet's native creatures. Eclipses also provide an opportunity to obtain incredibly rare magical resources, so players must learn to survive during eclipses if they want to thrive.

Magic permeates throughout everything Dark and Light, and the line between physical and magical becomes increasingly blurred as the game progresses. There are dozens of magical skills related to survival, exploration, defense, transformation, control, attack, and more. Players can harness the power of the elements to construct buildings, erect a network of portals to transport you all across the continent, and even control the weather. Possibilities aren't just limited to creation and control, however. Players can master important battlefield skills with a magic staff and over 14 different melee and ranged weapons, including bows, swords, daggers, and more. Players can also use magic to forge weapons and create their own legendary equipment.

Dark and Light features dozens of magical beasts, including dragons, griffins, unicorns, centaurs, goblins, and many, many more. There are also plenty of unique creatures that players have never seen before, and all are native to this planet. All the creatures in the game survived the havoc spread by the destruction of Gaia, and thus are all imbued with incredible magical powers. Players can hunt them for food and clothing, extract their magical essence, or they can choose to tame them and raise them as faithful companions.

Players and NPCs can all progress through their own growth systems, and players can choose which skills they want their characters to master. These include both physical skills such as speed, endurance, and strength, but can also apply to a character's crafting abilities. Whether a character chooses to be an architect, a mage, or a warrior is all up to them, the combinations of skills and stat builds in Dark and Light are virtually limitless. It is possible to become a master of all skills, but doing so will require tremendous time and effort. In order to develop a strong foundation, players are encouraged to specialize and cooperate with one another throughout their time on Archos.

Archos’s punishing environmental conditions have bested many adventurers who tried to go it alone - players will need to band together to survive. Dark and Light is designed to encourage cooperation at every level; survival, exploration, and combat are all incredibly demanding, and few will be able to fully master their surroundings. This is particularly true in regards to group combat, where supporting and managing a diverse battalion of warriors, mages, trainers, and more will grant you a major advantage in large-scale battles.
Players can choose to start in one of three main cities, each one belonging to one of the three ruling factions on Archos. This community structure is critical in the early stages of the game, when players are relatively weak and need support from others. Your role in the faction becomes increasingly important as you progress through Dark and Light - if you establish your specialty early, it’ll go a long way in helping you contribute to the success of your faction.

Dark and Light's sandbox world affords players the freedom to create and build just about anywhere in the world. Whether you want a secret underground base or a fortress atop a massive floating island, if you can reach it, you can build there. As the forces of darkness simmer on the horizon, defending your homestead will become increasingly important. A combination of physical and magic fortifications, including NPCs and tamed creatures, will be necessary for players to defend their land from being engulfed by darkness.

Archos is still threatened by the total collapse of Gaia and a massive invasion by the forces of darkness. Even though the portals that link Archos to Gaia have closed, darkness emanates from the mother planet, affecting all the living creatures on Archos. Whether to embrace the darkness or fight it is a choice that remains solely with you, and it is your choice that will represent the future of the world.

Release date
Snail Games USA
Snail Games USA
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 2500K
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 960 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 50 GB available space
  • OS: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-5820k 6x 3.3 GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 1070 or higher
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 50 GB available space
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2022

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1 edit
Dark And Light First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
Jul 27, 2017
Jul 20, 2017
Dark and Light - Character Creation, Crafting, and Magic! (Dark and Light Gameplay Part 1)
Jul 20, 2017
Zueljin Gaming
Jul 20, 2017
Dark and Light - Shape Shifting with Beast Magic - Deathstalker (Dark and Light Gameplay Part 4)
Jul 23, 2017
Zueljin Gaming
Dec 31, 2017
Jade PG
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Slay 100 creatures with a single character.
Master Hunter
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Take Shelter
Place 10 straw dwelling structures with a single character.
Craft 1,000 items with a single character.
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Dark and Light Teaser
Destroyed by Griffons
Dark & Light
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Dark and Light reviews and comments

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Early Access Review Normally I write so early, no Review. Despite the Bugs and smaller Problems, I'm definitely not Going to refound it. So Why am I writing a short Review? You just have to stay fair even when you get annoyed. You can see how many People have already damaged the Game with negative reviews. I do not think that is fair. That's why I'll give you some Clues as to what to expect after Purchase. What I find bitter is that really numerous Elements have been honked off by Ark. This starts with the Menus for the creation of servers (SP) but also with In-game activities. But it's not a Clone! That can be blurred. Why? Because there are numerous additional layers in THE HUD that are simply nicer than Ark's. There is "a Tutorial" that tells you what you can do. (Should) I find the Tutorial (Task) almost too intrusive. But it helps immensely to get involved in Practice. After Starting to get to the tutorial details in the left Picture area, look out for it. This is especially helpful when you see that many Items you collect are also the Blueprints in the Menu, "placeholders." So You can't always read the Names, you just see the Item. The Game is just not finished here and there. Means that this will only be supplemented later. Important Note at the Point because People here have complained about the Graphics. Since it's the Unreal Engine 4, you can set all Options to "EPIC." Again, Similarity to Ark. But What you must not forget, is moving the "Resolution Scale" entirely to "the right." At First I had also played on maxed out, but the Graphics were rather bad. Until I then pulled the RS to the RIGHT. Incredibly beautiful Graphics and above all Far-sightedness. The Game still needs to be Optimized. 30-40 Frames with a GTX1080, 16GB Ram, 2700k (4x3,5GHZ), that's too little. Maybe you start playing as an Elf (Regions), then you can cross the Bridge into the Forest. I wanted to chop Wood from a Tree when suddenly the Tree came alive. (Fantasy Game) Trees were Running around in the Forest, Dragons were flying through the area, sheep were standing in the Grass, beautiful Lakes could be seen and a few Goblis have followed me permanently. With the Wand, you can "mine" raw Materials once you've crafted one. Also standard tools, are available. As usual, you'll need To unlock Blueprints with Levels. However, not only can you distribute Attribute points, stuff craves, no, you can also continue to train your Skills in a certain Area in The RANG, as in Skyrim. (Turns Blueprints unlocked) You will be kept Informed Of the PROGRESS in each Rank in the HUD. The Hunger and Thirst isn't quite as stressful as in Ark as I find. For the Night You learn to summon yourself a Mini-elf right at the Beginning, after crafts, so that you can see in the Dark. If you're interested in BILDER, then look into my Profile, I'll upload a few Screenshots. Again, a Hint. If you hire the HDR in the graphics menu, then the OVERLAY with Steam will no longer work. (BUG) Otherwise, those who can live with the one described above can access without hesitation. Once the Game is finished, ARK has an equal Bankruptcy. "Citadel" Will also be released next Week. (Competition) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083758672 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083758753 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084253435 Tips & Screenshots: To Your FOCUS ( Replenish the brain symbol) you need Flowers that you can harvest with the Sword. The Game is based on Magic. Without Sleep, without Focus, you die. So Harvest Blossoms and feed. Reach LvL 10 as Soon as possible, for the Sleeping Bag. If you die, everything is gone. Best get out of town, look for a quiet Place for a House and build. (Levn) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084255888 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084255487 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084255037 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084344744 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084255637 quote: Computerbase "A Reader alerted the Editorial board that the Company behind the ARK developer studio Wildcard had already been Subsidiary of Snail Digital Technology, the Parent Company of Snail Games, has been acquired. The Takeover is said to have taken place as early as 2015. As recently as January this Year, Documents proving this had been leaked. The Similarities to ARK: Survival Evolved Are all the less surprising because the Studios are direct Partners via Detours. "
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