Dark City (Moonstorm)
"The SMART Grid was trusted to run everything."
The creation of the first SMART City's began in 2020, digitally transforming environmental, financial and social aspects of human existence. By the turn of the century 90% of the human population now live in these sprawling urban areas.
Various multinational "Tech" companies create initiatives to advance the SMART Grid, competing and bidding for profitable high stakes contacts, rapidly establishing the next genesis of scientific and technical knowledge. Now with the recent inception of fully autonomous thinking machines data is gathered and processed on every aspect of urban life.
These global SMART cities although great sources of economic activity, have stark social inequalities and face many environmental challenges. The formation of the Federal Defense Agency (FDA) rose to meet this task. The FDA comprises of the best and brightest in a wide array of disciplines and specialist skills. They are trained to be able to handle any critical situation.
Following a recent installation of next generation A.I Clymer City has gone "dark".
Your team is being sent in.
System requirements for PC
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