Darkest Night (Puntarr, Grimykiller, BricksParts, Grantsen)
Please play the game on Fullscreen and with 2 people.
Darkest Night is a local player vs. player game designed around deception. Use your environment to trick your opponent to gain an advantage!
- Melee attacks will stun players temporarily
- Constructs are indistinguishable from players in low enough light levels
- Melee hitting a construct will cause it to start moving until it hits a wall
- A fireball hitting a construct will create a bonfire
Player 1 controls:
WASD - Movement
Shift - Melee attack (tap) & fireball (hold)
Q - Build construct
E - Toggle lantern
Player 2 controls:
IJKL - Movement
B - Melee attack (tap) & fireball (hold)
U - Build construct
O - Toggle lantern
-Programmers= Ozan Can Önen, Pawel Kaska, Bruno
-Art= BricksParts, okAi,T'sare
-Sound= Grant