Dead Space Demake

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"Forget about shooting them in the body, you gotta cut off the limbs. Grab a cutter anything like that. Cut them apart!"


Dead Space Demake has everything you want and more, from necromorph limb dismemberment to affine texture mapping errors. 

You've played Dead Space (2008) and you've played Dead Space (2023) it's time to soak in the horrid vibes of Dead Space (1998)


Thanks for waiting! I've been working on this for a lot longer than I planned and the end product is probably shorter than you expect but I hope you have fun playing it. This project was mostly a way for me to learn Unreal and the PS1 aesthetic so look forward to what I'll be putting together in the future.


PC Controls:

Movement: WASD
Camera: Mouse
Aim: Right Mouse Button
Fire: Left Mouse Button
Secondary Fire: Middle Mouse Button
Stasis: Q
Inventory: TAB
Use Health Pack: Space
Interact: F
Reload: R
Menu: Escape

Gamepad Controls

Movement: Left Analog Stick
Camera: Right Analog Stick
Aim: Left Trigger
Fire: Right Trigger
Secondary Fire: Right Shoulder Button
Stasis: Left Face Button (While aiming)
Inventory: Top Face Button
Use Health Pack: Left Face Button (When not aiming)
Interact: Bottom Face Button (When not aiming)
Reload: Bottom Face Button (While Aiming)
Menu: Start

Release date
Fraser Brumley
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Apr 14, 2023

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