Average Playtime: 4 hours

Defence to death

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Defence to death - game in genre "Tower Defence". Defend Your castle from monster! Show Your's strength and wisdom.

- Build, upgrade and sell towers.
- Earn money in the mine (click on mine)
- Destroy enemies by clicking them!
- Buy upgrades for towers in the shop. Without it you'll not able to upgrade tower.

Release date
Laush Dmitriy Sergeevich
Laush Studio
Age rating
0+ Everyone

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP and newer
  • Processor: Athlon 2 X3 450
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce EN9600 GT
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Windows XP and newer
  • Processor: AMD fx6300
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 750ti
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Dec 18, 2023

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Defence to death reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is not worth €2. 3 Cards for 9 Levels and 4 Towers with 2 Upgrades each. Graphically, the Game doesn't look inviting. Even the Towers do not seem particularly exciting from Appearance. The Background Tone is very annoying, to which it breaks off and starts again with a short Break. On the Map with Pedestals, 2 Towers are not correctly on this one. The Mine needs too many Clicks by hand to really yield yield. There is no Menu, the Sound must be switched off via the Windows Volume control. The Towers are unfortunately superfluous, the first Tower is enough to handle the game. The Rest is rather decorative Mugwork to call the Game Tower Defense ...
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free How can you leave such a Dirt just to Steam?!?!?!?! "Made with unity personal edition" haja so also looks out of ... Maybe quickly learned in a "how to" how to how to make a popel TD game ... 8 Levels (basically only 3 of the Rest is resistant) the 9th is not playable due to a Bug-3 Opponent varieties that do not differ any further. 4 different Towers but only one that really causes damage. For the achievements you have to buy low tower upgrades ... Only costs at level 2 1000 and at level 3 2000 a total of 12000 if you want all achievements ... great that you get 35 (!!!!!) gold for completing a level ... Yeah grind a few weeks at dme dirt game ... oh man ... delete it
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Microsoft from French
Defence to death, the worst Tower Defense I've ever been able to make today. We start with nothing, no story, although this is not the most important point of a Tower Defense, a small story would not have been refusal. Here, nothing, we drop you like this on a menu not very intuitive and that is grey mine, we do not really want to throw a game. Only 4 turrets available, and 3 upgrades which is still very very little. The game consists of different levels that are all more boring than the others. The golds obtained to improve our turrets are annoying to farm as the rhythm of the game is slow. Speed X2 at maximum and it remains very slow not to mention that when we freeze the wave with the help of the pause, we can not rearrange our turrets. The waves start automatically and from the first wave, to be amazed, and not in the right direction during your first game. At the level of gameplay, it's very classic, but the lack of content makes it feel terribly. The graphics PIC the eyes and ask for a normal config, for the small config waiting for you has lag... Lag on a Tower Defense.... In short I absolutely do not recommend this purchase, personally I let myself tempted since I was able to have it free thanks to certain site...
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