Democracy 4 achievements

Healthy Living
Hey! Do you feel good? Me too! Isn't life fantastic? I guess its that healthy lifestyle we all lead these days, partly thanks to this governments obsession with the health of its citizens.
Spotlight Junkie
Unbelievably, you need to actually make some time this week to govern the country. I know it sounds like an awful bore and a distraction from these constant appearances in the media but I'm afraid its part of the job.
Subsidy Sam
If you want to get something done, you subsidize it. That seems to be our new national anthem. Perhaps we should subsidize anthems too? Have we tried subsidizing the writing of achievement descriptions? Might be an idea...
Are you going to make your mind up at some point? Honestly we might as well get revolving doors fitted to all the ministerial offices if you are going to swap them around this often.