Detroit: Become Human reviews

A benchmark on graphics and design that suffers under some cagian writing sometimes. 
While I wasn't a huge fan of David Cage's previous works i have to admit, I was absolutely blown away by Detroit. A fantastic storyline with incredibly rich and likable characters and actual consequences to your decisions. Considering how differently a lot of scenarios can play out due to your decisions the overall replayability of the game is pretty huge. Also from technical standpoint the game is simply put a masterpiece - everything from graphics alone to facial animations, sound, music is just simply exceptional. It's not a flawless game by any means, there are some cliques here and there, but with such an ambitious project i'm willing to give it a pass. Quantic Dream managed to pull off a game where your consequences actually matter unlike a lot of games out there, which alone is pretty remarkable. This is a one of a kind experience that i'd recommend to pretty much everybody.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
I love this game so much couldn't stop playing i would play for 3 hours in a row non stop, the story line sucked you in. In this game you could decide the fate of the charecters, the graphics were exeptional it was breath taking and in some points it left me shaking it really felt like you were in the game and its really cool because the story depends on your choices, and you could kill the charecters off before their stories were complited. In the game you are able to decide their if you want your charecters to be hostile or sweet. But there is one downside that with Connor and Kara you had more decisions to make but as with Markus it felt like you weren't the one deciding for him it was more like the game was already decided for you. one tip: with this game there are a lot of ways it can end up but dont worry because you can replay the chapter but its more advised to keep it as it is and not go back to change it however it is your game so do what the hell you want. and one last thing, there is a flowchart that shows you how many ways it could have ended up but it doesn't show you what would have happened. And you can also see what most people have chosen. 
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Five Word Review: Fantastic story with branching narrative.
Favorite Thing: Finally a game where choice means something. The branching narrative is great.
Least Favorite Thing: As much as I dislike QTEs I REALLY dislike gyro QTEs.

Date Completed: 2018-06-07
Playtime: 14h
Enjoyment: 9/10
Recommendation: Most definitely. Unless you really don't like narrative based games.
You know what you are getting and it has a decent story with a myriad of choices.
«Sit back and relax»
Finished it twice, going to do that again and again, and again. Just to see it's world from every possible angle. Just to experience this daily routine of a mom, just going after everyone in the house, picking up their shit. Just to realise that subconsciously even those really close to us, are treated as soulless machines.

The game is exceptionally good, but of course, it's also quite Cagey (oversimplified dialogues, cheesy drama, amateurish scenes reminiscent of a small theatrical play, done by liberal students). All of that doesn't matter though, cause essentially Detroit is a crash course to empathy (this thing the modern world needs to rediscover). It's all about being in someone else's shoes when that someone else is being harassed for no logical reason, just because others feel like it.

Detroit mocks humanity and our rampant hypocrisy and egoism. Crowds of people protest your character's existence, just because he's an Android and he's about to steal more jobs. Especially the shitty ones. Seriously. In the game, you'll see scores of people protesting the loss of jobs, because Androids took it. The interesting thing is, that from the perspective of an Android it doesn't feel true. Androids didn't take it. Same as steam machines, or conveyors or cranes. It's funny to realize, that we as humans do all those shitty, demeaning jobs for a while, just until we figure out a way to replace ourselves with machines to save our dignity and time for a greater purpose. Save our time, for the pure joy of life and discovery. Get out from behind a counter and travel, visit places that are not so lucky, do good... Or open internet, get knowledge, become creators, poets, writers... You know. Be HUMAN. Be whatever we feel humans are, creative, feeling, caring... However, the reality is a bit different. As soon as there's a machine to clean the house, we just open up another beer and scratch balls in front of a TV till we run out of money. Then we just kick the machine and demand change. Demand our rights to do shitty jobs to be reinstated. That, I think, is a main point of the game. To show the world for what it is. Use this futuristic, yet believable setting and make us feel for a machine and it's buggy software. 

Detroit is a mediocre game in many ways, but it's also a valiant attempt to change how we see the world. And I feel like it may work. In a long run. Big thumbs up for trying. Also, highly recommended to play together with all those non-gamers in the household. Experience it as a TV drama with an opportunity to drive the narrative. Again, in comparison to most TV dramas, this one is mediocre, but the overall story is really good, the setting is believable and placing someone in control of a character, or at least decision making, does miracles with a sense of immersion. 

Friendly advice: Although it may feel like it, but watching this game on Youtube, without actively participating in a gameplay process will actually ruin your experiences and impressions. For the love of God, choose to play it, or skip it, but steer clear from walkthroughs and Lets plays.  
«Sit back and relax»
«Better with friends»
Another boring game from Quantic Dream. I know that Cage follows the genre but who the hell cares of SUCH huge amount of narration? The only thing I like about this game is the visuals but Detroit is not enjoyable anyway.  
I expected something like Heavy Rain and I both got it and didn’t. The emotional tense I felt during the game, and my empathy for every character wer very strong, I appreciate how they are written, and how deep is the atmosphere. On the other hand, I could make even aggressive choices but all three characters stayed alive - thank you for this. I love David Cage’s works, really, he pays so much attention to his games, and you can feel it in every detail.  
The most emotional game that make you literally cry sometimes. Animations, acting, voices and the variety of choices are fenomenal. Thank you, Quantic Dream.
«Blew my mind»