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Fight against other medieval warriors all around the world!

Deus Vult is an online medieval fighting game which uses cutting-edge weapon physics to make you feel like a real knight.
The numerous weapons available have each their own behaviour and fighting style: you can keep your enemy at distance with a spear or destroy him at close range with an axe, protect yourself with a shield or take the risk to fight with two swords.

You can defy players online in 1vs1 best of 5 medieval battles. As your level increases, you will unlock a wide choice of weapons and learn to master each of them to slay your opponents. You can customize your hero and take a break from the intense combat to chat with your brave rivals in the tavern.
In Deus Vult, you will discover epic landscapes and a world full of mystery where you will FIGHT FOR GLORY!


- Full character customization ( body, clothes, and armor)
- Online matchmaking
- A social tavern where you can meet other players
- Physics based online combat system
- 12 maps
- 14 weapons with specific gameplays
- AI fighting with 4 levels of difficulty so that you can train yourself for the real duels

Safety Notice

Deus Vult requires players to swing their controllers and perform wide gestures in virtual reality. Be cautious with your environment and play at your own risk. Raptor Lab is not responsible for any destruction of property or the injury of yourself or anyone else while playing Deus Vult.

Play far away from any object, have plenty of space, use high quality wrist straps, remove all children or animals from the room, do not play near stairs.

Room-Scale Info

Deus Vult will play correctly with simple standing configuration as long as you can move your arms in any direction without risking to hit something. However, it is recommended for best playing experience to have 2.5m x 2.5m of playspace or more.

Oculus Setup Info

This game requires the use of motion controllers. You can play on a 180° setup and use the joysticks to rotate your playing space.
Release date
raptor lab
raptor lab
Age rating
0+ Everyone

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows
  • Processor: i5 64bit
  • Graphics: GTX 960
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: i7 64bit
  • Graphics: GTX 1070
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 23, 2019

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1 edit
FOR HONOR RAP by JT Music (feat. TrollfesT) - "Deus Vult"
Feb 26, 2017
JT Music
Reynauld And The Last Crusade
Jul 17, 2017
[For Honor] The Great Crusade
Apr 14, 2017
Marco Yolo
Feb 20, 2017
Deus Vult
Jul 9, 2017
DEUS VULT - For Honor
Apr 1, 2017
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DEUS VULT reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review finally a real game of VR fight in multiplayer!! Deus vult is a glimpse of what will be the multi fighting games of tomorrow. I have hope for the future. Technically it's clean and immersive. You should not rely on screenshots and videos because the sensations are different when playing in VR. One is really impregnated in even with simple graphics and so much better because the games is fluid. The movements are quite authentic and when everything becomes messy it is because the two participants are buzzing like eggs of the coup we see nothing of what we do as in reality. But when two good players clash, then we have technique and tactics and it's really cool. The level up is just to unlock weapons, you don't get stronger with a health bag system. The weapons that we unlock we must learn to play with and to become stronger you have to train to the fight as for a real martial art and CA CHANGE everything!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review It´s playable and i have much fun, but more when the weapons are better balanced. At time the weapons do not exactly follow the movements, too slowly,some of them also kink away. I use lower grafic settings but also the same. And the 180 degree settings don´t work in the battle. I like teleport more than walking. Perhaps it can be included. And the weapons would have to bounce harder when they collide for more real fighting. The hits had to show more resistance by bouncing the weapons. Visually the blood effect is good. The blocking and clashing of the weapons is only a little noticeable. And the time delay in the swing of the weapons still has to be corrected. Sound effects and music are great. Fights are Battles are challenging and better than with bots in any case. But also exhausting, because full body use, but good. At time not all is working. The fight on a ship is terrible and not playable, because the weapon kink away all the time and the other challenger dissapears suddenly when i hit them.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review the game under VR has an original gameplay, although the famous "die by the sword" was also in its time (from the mouse). The ability to play in the arena with other players has its pros and cons... We often fall on trolls only animated by the levelling and who will make you reels with the double axis/sword without respect of the rules of combat (by straining on your body and pushing small cries of hyenas Sodomites, after, it's a bit the but also...) The decorations may seem antiquate, the 3D engine dates a little, but we finally let themselves be transported by the medieval atmosphere of the moment. In the fighting, we must also try to understand (and transcend) the phenomenon of blocking weapons (to the shock of the latter) under pain of passing seconds to type in the void (virtual) without great effect. Finally, the game would have greatly deserved fights against NPCs... or even a solo campaign, history of changing the arena, quite sporty under VR, but that still risk to weary... in the long run.
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