Experimental dice-based villager management game, created from scratch in about 8 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2022! The theme was "Roll of the Dice."
Diceland begins with a single villager on an island. Your goal is simply to survive. The game ends when all of your villagers are dead.
How to play:
- Click the dice to roll them. Buildings on the map will produce resources when their number is rolled. The number of resources produced will be equal to the number of the required terrain in the 8 spaces surrounding the building (but there must also be space near the building for the item to spawn.) For example, a Logger with 5 trees bordering it will produce 3 Logs, since there are only 3 surrounding spaces not taken up by the trees. (Rolling doubles will double the potential number of resources created.)
- Click and drag resources around to craft and build. Dragging items onto other items, dragging items onto villagers, or surrounding an item with a different type of item are all ways to create new things in Diceland. "Surrounding" an item only takes into account the four tiles directly adjacent to it (up, down, left, and right). For example, to build a Logger, you must have an axe bordered by at least 4 logs and/or trees.
- The town center will produce a new villager when you roll doubles.
- Each villager must eat 1 food item (apples, berries, fish, etc.) every turn or take 1 damage at the end of the turn.
- Look at the tooltips at the bottom of the screen when mousing over an item, mob, or building to get hints on what to do.
- Always move all resources away from structures immediately after they're spawned. Otherwise, they'll block more potential spawns!
- Eating always heals 1 HP, so you don't actually need to eat every turn. You can skip turns and then heal up later. This is riskier with special villagers though, since they also lose health if not paid Gold.
- If there's a monster you want to kill, use a Magic Ring (metal + gem) to teleport a Warrior near it!
- Make sure to fully heal your Warriors when they're fighting, especially against the Yeti!
- It's best to build a Shop early on (coin surrounded by rocks) to make sure you'll be able to pay your Warriors and Workers.
- Monsters will destroy any Item they touch, so keep your stuff out of their way! (Due to an oversight, they can also destroy other monsters... use that information how you may.)
After the jam, I will probably update this with a bunch more content that I didn't have time to add in the initial build, including:
- Better balance
- Procedurally generated islands
- Actual pathfinding that doesn't suck!
- More units, items, and interactions
- Sprites that don't look like a toddler drew them
- Sound and music
- A win condition
- etc!