DOOM 3 posts

Any tips on killing the cyber demon in doom 2016?
My battlemode Challenges completed themselves?
Soooooooo, all of my "Win X Matches as Demon" challenges just autocompleted somehow. I'm not complaining, I just wish the same happened for my Slayer challenges because these queues are AWFUL. Has this happened to anyone else before?
Extremely specific post but if for some reason you're trying to play MyHouse.pk3 with Project Brutality and are struggling to get it working, you can download this fix:
Someone on the project brutality discord made this fix and it worked for me. Should let you play MyHouse on PB 3.0 without crashes.
Doom Snapmap - Horror File: Case 1 & Case 2
Creepy, horror suspense.
How do all keep your source port folder from getting over loaded?
Started playing DOOM WAD's for my channel and been following a list of top WADs. I've been using GZdoom as my source port, just unpacking the WAD's into it, but at this point my GZdoom folder is just kind of packed with all the WADs. Is there an easier way to do it? Like I can just put the folder into GZdoom and run it that way or what? Basically, how do you keep your source port folder from becoming too hard to find anything.
LEGO Samuel Hayden
Always loved the atmosphere from this ominous room in E4M7
Doom(1993) not saving!
I just started playing Doom on Ps5 and I haven't been able to save my game at all, the save option on the menu is not working at all, and the quick save only works in the mission so when I leave I can't load again, anyone having this problem on Ps5.
Current build and still only onky world 7
Only use Unmakyr for the 20% damage resistance and proceed to barrel stuff enemies with spread shot, bounce, damage boosts and agile
I updated my Doom Meme/Favorite Videos Playlist...just wanna share it for anyone that might be interested...
Fanart for Kinsie's Reelism. It a lot of fun shoot puppet real good
WIP DOOMGUY inspects DOOM blade