DOOM 3 reviews

so here’s my overall opinion on the game:
it can be extremely repetitive especially when you get forcefully cornered by baddies far too many times, a few enemies like the arachnotrons are extremely underused and only appear for at least one level, jumpscares don’t feel earned at all other than the light jumpscare at the end, the spaceship corridor levels end up blending together, and reloading exists so automatically that’s a couple points off.
but i still LOVED doom 3. it’s extremely rewarding and the few pieces of music are just so effective and set up the story so well, especially when encountering the cyberdemon.
I don’t recommend going into this as a doom game, but for what it’s worth, it’s a really great time
«Just one more turn»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
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Microsoft from French
It was very good in its time, and I had really enjoyed it at the time.... but there, really, in 2015, after rage, Crysis, stalker, Wolfenstein new order, and I pass, the feeling of weapons and movements is really too outdated.... and with all due respect, and even if I am well aware that it represents a milestone of the FPS, you must be a fan boy as nostalgic as enraged to recommend it today.... It's never good to grow old.... and it's even more true for video games....
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Microsoft from French
Doom 3, remains a classic and there are already tons of evaluations. It remains for me the witness of a time when the modding was at its peak. From the creation of its own dedicated servers, maps, sounds, 3D models, scripts etc. From the full gameplay change has just a few tweak. Certainly this still exists for some games, but less and less. The modding extended the life of the game but not that, it created around this world of teams and a fantastic dynamic. Nothing more intense than a last man standing tweaked with small onions to sublimate the experience of Doom3.
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Microsoft from French
Having played this game before the advent of steam (steam counter-game so) this was and will remain a great memory of the FPS. For me the first one to really scare me and distill a permanent anguish, while these qualities were reserved at that time to the excellent survivals such as RE or Silent Hill, but absent from the FPS. Doom 3 will thus open the way to the great FEAR and whatnot. But to return to the game in question, his graphics have won me the jaw more than once with this impression of the synthesis of the master J. Carmack, and I do not even talk about his dynamic shadows! The sound atmosphere was also appropriate and participated in this constant apprehension of the underlying danger, and I remember a good difficulty and a correct lifespan. Short less nag than the license doom in general but a great doom anyway! A must-have historical.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
If some Criticisms are made, the Beginning would be more like the Calm before the Storm. For me, Doom is still the Genre rider in Terms of Ego Shooters, measured in a Hardness scale. It's precisely down to the Seam, compelling inrelistic Cardboard Camera shooting And what's more sophisticated. There is much to shoot, but everything still has its understandable Logic. The Rooms don't even seem so monotonous to me yet, it's all arranged as varied as possible, it's rather the prevailing Darkness and Gloom, which pushes very depressively. There is no Sense of strategic Superiority involved, it feels more like pure Self-defense, always equally sandwiched from all Sides, somewhere. Not so new anymore, but negotiable, a Piece of Video Game history. As a Tip perhaps, don't necessarily play at the highest Level, as the Textures otherwise appear unharmonious and no longer fit together properly.