Dungeon Brawler (RamCid)
Dungeon Brawler (Title still in the works)
IMPORTANT: this game is still in development and, although is playable, it's not balanced and it's missing some gameplay features.
Instructions: Play with mouse.
Click on hero to show action menu. Use action buttons to move and shoot.
Scroll mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
Press mouse wheel to move camera.
The objective of this project was to make a game that is simple in it's mechanics and focus on creating a base from where a more complex game can be built. To achieve this, I am focusing on creating sistems that make it easy to customize the game experience without having to re think their implementation.
What exists right now:
- Customizable game rules.
- 6 hero classes with different stats (balance still pending - the only weapon available is the bow and arrow ).
- Basic gameplay. You can start a match and play until one team wins.
What's planned for the future:
- Bug fixing
- Adding different hero traits and weapons.
- Sound.
- Enemy AI (with different difficulty levels).
- Option to create and save match rules.
- Hero and Weapon editor.
- More...