Duvet is a short adventure-puzzle game made in Unity about a dystopical world with militarized magical girls.
One year after the turn of the millenia, the soviet space program launched its third man-manned mission to the moon. Unknown to them at the time, the pilot code-named “Strangelove” was eight months away from becoming a mother.
This baby who had a 6 month exposure to the lunar material was the first “Magical Girl” as nicknamed by the public.
Almost 40 years later, the forced exposure of pregnant women to rocks from the moon became the new arms race. These newly born babies became part of the private or military sector, according to their powers.
But there was a catch: only creatures of the XX genoma could survive the experiment, and no “Magical Girl” lived past 23 years.
72 hours after the last contact with the walled city of Kowloon. Nearby eye witnesses reported flashing red lights before the silence, local security forces refused to enter the perimeter and the buildings in the proximity have been evacuated.
The Kingdom of China has decided on dispatching its Magical Cases Unit agent on the Southernmost part of the building complex.
The game is available in English.
Average playtime is 45-60 minutes.
Director: Akira51p
Game Designer: EchinopsWorks / echinops.itch.io
Graphical Artist: Sacha Bebchuk
Art: sweetpeamomote & huffiestrikes
3D Model: Sweetpea Momote & Sacha
Music: Izakaya Funes
Writing: Akira & Lulu
Coding: Echinops, Sacha, Akira
If you enjoyed the original soundtrack, you can listen to it here.