E-Genes - Life Evolution Simulator
E-Genes is an life evolution simulator.
E-Genes contains plants and creatures. Creatures can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.
Plants and creatures have GENES that can mutate. Whenever a new plant or creature is born there is a % chance to randomly mutate a single gene. Sometimes the mutation is benefical, sometimes it isnt.
Only the fittest will survive!
Currently you can only spectate the world evolving but i plan in adding more features if the game gets some donations, starting with the save and load feature.
After save and load i plan to add (not by this order):
* Statistics graphs.
* God mode & Save and Load for plants/creatures.
* Player mode (You chose a specie at begin and can chose the gene whenever a mutation happens).
* Create two biomes on the map by adding a river in the middle of the map that will dry/freeze every X mins.
* Anything else that the players suggest.
You can edit game settings (like resolution) by opening the Config.cfg with notepad.