Epic 1v1 Magic Battle
Player 1:
A = Left Walk. W = Jump. D = Right Walk. Space = Shoot. E = Wall. F = Ult.
Player 2:
Left Arrow Key = Left Walk. Up Arrow Key = Jump. Right Arrow Key = Right Walk. Down Arrow Key = Shoot. L = Wall. P = Ult
Bugs in the game rn - the speed is bugged, the speed of the projectiles is bugged, for some reason, it doesn't project the full screen of the game, and the jump sound effect is the wrong one. The ice wall isn't working correctly but will be fixed really soon. Will try to fix everything else.
Everything I used -
- Item equip - https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/item-equip-6904/
- Fantasy game sweep - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/sweep/
- wizard fire woosh - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/woosh/
- Epic Cinematic trailer https://www.chosic.com/download-audio/31970/
- Jump Sound - Free Jump Sound Effects Download - Pixabay
- Fire Column - https://sanctumpixel.itch.io/fire-column-pixel-art-effect
- ice pack I used for the wall. - https://coloritmic.itch.io/icecool-pack
- Background plus tiles - https://brullov.itch.io/oak-woods
- Fireball - https://codemanu.itch.io/pixelart-effect-pack
- Players - https://free-game-assets.itch.io/free-tiny-hero-sprites-pixel-art'
- Ultimate abilities - https://pimen.itch.io/water-spell-effect-02 & https://pimen.itch.io/fire-spell
- Ice projectile - https://pimen.itch.io/ice-spell-effect-01
- Food - https://henrysoftware.itch.io/pixel-food